Warning: As of December 18th 2015 this is WIP until further notice. Use at own risk.
This package provides a lightweight quota and authToken eco-system (ApiKeys) for your meteor project.
It depends and works well with iron:router
on defined client and server routes.
Please make sure you have the latest version of iron-router package added to your project. If not, go ahead and
meteor add iron:router
Notice: The authToken itself will be part of your Meteor.user() object - so make sure you have Meteor user account packages of your choice added to the project.
I have been testing with the standard accounts-base
&& accounts-ui
meteor add accounts-base
meteor add accounts-ui
meteor add accounts-password
- or any other login service
meteor add herrhelms:meteor-authtokens
1.) Find a way so your users can create a Meteor.user()
object. For instance when using accounts-ui
package, embed {{>loginButtons}}
somewhere within your html.
2.) Add the following settings somewhere outside Meteor.isServer
or Meteor.isServer
within your code and modify to your liking.
if (Meteor.isServer) {
quotaRange: 'month', // lifetime of quota
quotaSize: 1000, // quota in above lifetime
keyPrefixLength: 2, // authTokens will be formated prefix.StrInG (ny.ASe24sa)
keyStringLength: 7, // use these two fields to control complexity of authTokens
useWhere: 'onRun', // hook where to excecute (onRun||onBeforeAction||onAfterAction||onRerun)
useOnly:['download', 'about'], // filter to ONLY SOME specific route(s)
useExcept:[], // use on ALL ROUTES EXCEPT SOME specific ones - EXCEPT will override ONLY(!)
noKeyTemplate: 'noaccess', // template to use client side if no ?key=
wrongKeyTemplate: 'wrongaccess' // template to use client side if wrong ?key=
3.) Define some routes (and have the necessary templates available in client html)
// test access client side via route '/about'
Router.route('/about', {where: 'client'});
// test access server side via route '/download'
Router.route('/download', {where: 'server'}).get(function () {
this.response.end('Yeah, get request working...\n');
4.) Look for your personal ApiKey in Meteor.user().profile.apiKey
5.) Whenever calling a route that needs the ApiKey add ?key=YOURAPIKEY
to the URI.