
Interactive Naming app for deciding a Chinese name for a newborn baby by selecting suggestions from chosen texts

Primary LanguagePython

Baby naming

The app is developed for the purpose of naming my forthcoming baby ^_^ Strongly wish it works!


  • No "八字"! No "五行"! No "运势"! No "星座"! No such shit!
  • Characters are chosen from (famous) texts. You can add your own texts.
    • current supported texts: "国风", "大雅", "小雅", "颂", "古诗十九首", "九歌", "离*", "苏武李陵诗", "天问", "王维", "唐诗三百首", "李商隐诗选", "李煜词全集", "苏轼词选", "陶渊明文选", "兰亭集序", "前后赤壁赋", "滕王阁序"
  • Names are generated and what you need to do is just selecting those you prefer.
  • Suggest names based on your preferrd names.
  • Random names are also given in the options and a surprise is expected.
  • Characters and names you do not want to use could be removed and will not appear again.


tested under Python 2.7 and kivy 1.8.0.


  • main.py is the entry file for kivy.

on mac:

# switch to the app directory
kivy main.py

on Windows:

# run kivy.bat
# switch to the app directory
python main.py
  • babyname.py is the module dealing with baby name generation, feedback by choice, setting, user management, etc.
  • character_tool.py is the module for preprocessing texts

".txt" texts should be processed before using by babyname.py. To add a text:

  • put txt file in data/txt and encoded with "gbk" or "gb2312".
  • in "character_tool.py", modify variable all_text_files to add your text.
  • run "python character_tool.py"
  • in "babyname.py", modify default_setting['selected_texts'] in class BabyName to include the texts you want to use.


refer to Kivy Packaging


  • add data support
    • google search result of names
    • show character meaning if needed
    • show sources of suggested names
  • UI improvement
  • packaging for iOS and Android