
Advent of Code 2017

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Advent of code 2017

Day 1 Captcha

  • Build sum of int stream
  • JavaScript

Day 2 Spreadsheet

  • Build checksum of spreadsheet cells
  • Python3

Day 4 Spiral Distance

  • find Manhattan Distance of number in spiral grid
  • Crystal

Day 4 Valid passphrases

  • filter a list of passphrases
  • Crystal

Day 5 Offset jumping

  • Step through a list of jump instructions
  • Crystal

Day 6 Inifinite loop

  • rearange array of block stacks until known state found
  • Crystal

Day 7 Program-Graph

  • Build a (unidirectional) graph and find out how to balance it
  • Crystal

Day 8 Registry-Instructions-Processing

  • Execute a set of instructions on a registry an find highest value
  • Crystal

Day 9 Stream w/ groups and garbage

  • Process a Char-Stream and count groups and garbage
  • Kotlin

Day 10 Knot-Hash

  • Implement a custom Hash-Algorhithm based on reversing sublists of the input
  • Kotlin

Day 11 Hex-Grid

  • Follow a given path in a grid of hex's and determine distance to (0,0) at end
  • Kotlin

Day 12 Program-Comunication

  • Build a (unidirectional) graph and find all accesible nodes / number of isolated groups
  • JavaScript

Day 13 Passing-Wirewall

  • Pass an 2-dim array on top row w/ moving guard at every col
  • JavaScript

Day 14 Defragmentation

  • Count 1-bits and adjacent groups of 1-bits in 2-dim grid
  • JavaScript

Day 15 Number-Generators

  • Run two number generators and count how often the produce same result
  • Crystal

Day 16 Dancing-Programs

  • Rearange an array of chars by a given choregraphy, but do it one billion times
  • JavaScript

Day 17 Spinlock

  • Create a huge cycle-buffer and find a specific element
  • JavaScript

Day 18 Duet

  • Run two assembly programs that interact with eachother and count a specific instruction
  • JavaScript

Day 19 Packet-Path

  • Follow a Packet on its path
  • JavaScript