
Personal library to encode and decode PNG's.

Primary LanguageC

PNG Encoder and Decoder

Personal project aimed at writing PNG encoders and decoders in Python and C.

  • Initial implementation to be done in Python
  • Second version to be done in C by incrementally substituting Python modules with C moduels

Building and Running

For CMake users:

$ cmake -S . -B build
$ cmake --build build
$ (cd build && main.exe)

The executables will now available in ./build/{sub project name}/. No manual file download is needed for GoogleTest is needed, the CMake script pulls everything in.

If you do not use Cmake:

$ gcc -Iinclude -o main.exe src/png_decoder.c src/main.c


(Based on this GoogleTest guide). To build and run the tests, use the following:

$ cmake -S . -B build
$ cmake --build build
$ (cd build && ctest)


  • On section 3.3 of the spec. I can read the chunk but I have not tested this at all. First spit out the chunk data for the example image and compare to the chunk data from the website. Then write a unittest to do all this.

Supported Features

Unsupported Features
