
An example project, showcasing how to extract an OAuth2 Bearer Token (RFC 6750) from an incoming request inside a Play Framework Filter. This includes reading it from an application/x-www-form-urlencoded encoded request body, which is not easily accessible from within a Play Filter.


The implementation uses an Essential Action and Akka Streams Pekko Streams to prevent duplicate body parsing and achieve a highly performant solution. I did a few, rather unscientific tests, and enabling the Filter seems to hardly have any impact on performance.

Comparing performance when enabling the Filter to performance without the Filter

This is using Postman with fixed load, 100 virtual users (VU) and running for 2 minutes. All requests sent are POST requests where the values in the body are randomly generated per request.

Run Total Requests Requests/s Resp. Time (Avg ms)
Disabled 12'219 96.63 17
Enabled 12'191 96.43 18