
covid-19 map info.

Primary LanguageVue


Covid-19 visualization data, for demo version please check out https://tulungagung.now.sh or https://tulungagung.netlify.com

You could fork, clone, try and modify the source code. it's free. If you have an issue, please contact me at heru.ekos[at]gmail[dot]com

Data & BaseMap for Demo Version

Data available on : https://github.com/heru/geodata, look at tulungagung.geojson for map Covid-19 Data on data.json, daily update.

This project using vuejs and source code and data available at github. Feel free to join development or fork it or even spread it to your community/regency.

You can contribute with geo data (shp or geojson).

Project setup

install nodejs and npm or yarn, please googling it. don't ask me how to install.

yarn install


npm install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

yarn serve


npm run serve

Compiles and minifies for production

yarn build


npm run build

Lints and fixes files

yarn lint

Customize configuration

See Configuration Reference.