
:books: PinterCoding University. Author : Gun Gun Febrianza

MIT LicenseMIT

Belajar Dengan Jenius Golang

Karya : Gun Gun Febrianza

Published in 2020

Learn Golang on Youtube : Belajar Golang Bahasa Indonesia

Open Library Indonesia

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 - Computer

Subchapter 1 – Komputer & Pemograman

  1. Computer Program
  2. Computation
  3. Computer Organization
    • Input Unit
    • Output Unit
    • Memory Unit
    • Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU)
    • Central Processing Unit (CPU)
    • Secondary Storage Unit
  4. Data Hierarchy
    • Bit
    • Byte
    • Bytes
    • Character
    • Field
    • Record
    • Files
    • Database
    • Big Data
  5. Operating System
  6. Programming Language
  7. Programming Language Abstraction
    • Machine Language
    • Assembly Language
    • High Level Language
    • Compiled Language
    • Interpreted Language
    • Hybrid Language

Subchapter 2 – Kompiler & Interpreter

  1. Compiler
    • Self-hosting Compiler
    • Assembler
    • Cross-compiler
    • Just-in-Time Compiler
    • De-compiler
  2. Interpreter
  3. Compilation Process
    • Source Code
    • Lexical Analyzer
    • Syntax Analyzer
    • Symbol Table
    • Intermediate Code Generator
    • Bytecode
    • Semantic Analyzer
    • Optimization
    • Code Generator
  4. Runtime Infrastructure
    • JVM & CLR
    • Two-stage Translation
    • Object Code
    • Linker
    • Loader

Chapter 2 - Setup Learning Environment

Subchapter 1 – Visual Studio Code

  1. Install Programming Language Support
  2. Install Keybinding
  3. Install & Change Theme Editor
  4. The File Explorer
  5. Search Feature
  6. Source Control
  7. Debugger
  8. Extension
    • Auto Fold
    • Bookmarks
    • Path Intellisense
    • VSCode Great Icons
    • Better Comment
  9. The Terminal
    • Menambah Terminal Baru
    • Melakukan Split Terminal
    • Mengubah Posisi Terminal
    • Menghapus Terminal
  10. Zen Mode
  11. Display Multiple File
  12. Font Ligature

Subchapter 2 – Go Lang

  1. Go Lang Installation
  2. Check Golang Version

Chapter 3 - Mastering Go Lang

Subchapter 1 – Introduction to Go Lang

  1. Go is Compiled Language
    • Static Linking
    • Go Compiler
  2. Go is Safe Language
    • Statically Typed & Type-safe Memory
    • Garbage Collection
    • Unicode
  3. Go is Multicore Programming

Subchapter 2 – Setup Go Lang

  1. Configure GOPATH
    1. Setup GOPATH for Windows
    2. Setup Workspace
    3. Setup GOBIN for Windows
    4. Setup GOPATH & GOBIN for MacOS
    5. Setup GOPATH & GOBIN for Linux
  2. Go Compilation
  3. Go Execution
  4. Go Documentation
  5. Go Playground

Subchapter 3 – Go Program

  1. Basic Structure
    • Package Name
    • Imported Package
    • Entry point
  2. Comment
  3. Expression & Operator
    • Statement
    • Expression
    • Operator Precedence
    • Block of Code
    • Operator & Operand
    • Arithmetic Operator
    • Arithmetic Operation
    • Comparison Operator
    • Logical Operator
    • Assignment Operator
  4. String Literal
  5. Rune Literal
  6. Numbers Literal
  7. Boolean Literal
  8. Import Package
  9. Variable Declaration
    • Variable
    • Binding
    • Reserved Words
    • Naming Convention
    • Case Sensitivity
    • Var Keyword
    • Constant Keyword
    • Zero Value
    • Short-Variable Declaration
    • Multiple-variable Declaration

Subchapter 4 – Data Types

  1. Apa itu Data?
  2. Apa itu Types?
  3. Apa itu Data Types?
    • uint8 Case Study
    • int8 Case Study
  4. Apa itu Strongly & Dynamically Typed?
  5. Go Data Types
    • Numeric Data Types
    • String Data Types
    • Booleans Data Types
    • Check Data Types
    • Apa itu Stack & Heap?
  6. Data Types Conversion
    • int To float64
    • float64 To int
    • Int To String
    • String to Int
    • String to Float
    • Int to Int64

Subchapter 5 – Control Flow

  1. Block Statements
  2. Conditional Statements
  3. Multi Conditional Statement
  4. Switch Style

Subchapter 6 – Loop & Iteration

  1. For Statement
  2. Range Statement
  3. Break Statement
  4. Continue Statement

Subchapter 7 – Function

  1. Introduction to Function
    • First Class Function
    • First-class Citizen
    • Higher-order Functions
    • Function of Function
    • Function Structure
  2. Practice Function
    • Basic Function
    • Function Parameter
    • Function Arguments
    • Function Return
    • Function Multiple Return
    • Function Named Return
    • First-class Citizen
    • Variadic Function
    • Anonymous Function
    • Closure
    • Defer

Subchapter 8 – Error Handling

  1. Syntax Error
    • Missing Syntax
    • Invalid Syntax
  2. Logical Error
  3. Runtime Error
  4. Error Package
    • Log Package
    • Fatal & Exit
  5. Panic & Recover

Subchapter 9 – Data Structure

  1. Array
    • Create Fixed-length Array
    • Create Array with Ellipses
    • Access Array Element
    • Modify Array Element
    • Read Array Length
    • Looping Array
    • Multidimensional Array
    • Looping Multidimensional Array
  2. Slice
    • Create Slice
    • Create Sub-slice
    • Low & High Expression
    • Reference Type
    • Append to Slice
    • Copy Slice
    • Looping Slice
  3. Map
    • Create Map
    • Check Map Types
    • Read Map Length
    • Add Element
    • Read Element
    • Modify Element
    • Delete Element
    • Looping Map
    • Truncate Map
    • Sorting Map By Key
    • Sorting Map By Values
    • Merging Map

Subchapter 10 – Composite Types

  1. Pointer
    • De-referencing
    • Read Memory Address
    • Pointer Variable
    • Store Memory Address
    • Access Pointer Variable
    • Pointer As Parameter
    • Passing By Value
    • Passing By Pointer
    • Nil Value
    • Pointer Template String
  2. Struct
    • Create Struct
    • Declare Custom Type
    • Struct Literal
    • Field Types
    • Read Struct Field
    • Struct As Parameter
    • Struct As Pointer
    • Nested Struct
    • Access Nested Struct
    • Add Method to Struct
  3. Interface
  4. Evaluation – Learning Metrics


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