
A saved version of the Jampack matrix package

Primary LanguageJava


A saved version of the Jampack matrix package (which is why the projet is called JampackSaved and not Jampack). The Jampack matrix package is a package from the Mathematical and Computations Sciences Division from NIST.

A zip file containing both the source code an the class files is available at NIST website. Note that the zip does not contain any build system (ant, maven, make, etc...) and no jar files either. It also appear that the code has no licence at all.

The project is available at github.com/hervegirod/JampackSaved.

Why this project?

I don't own this code as it was originally posted by NIST. However I felt the need to propose a proper github project with it because the origianl code seems not to be maintained anymore, and also did not come with real library, nor any build system. Basically you had to get the Java source classes yourself, and include them in your project.

As it appear that there no licence at all for the original code, I think that proposing a github project with a real build system and a real usable library without having to include the code in your own project could be useful.


It appear that the original Jampack code has no licence at all.


The documentation is available in the original zip file, and it is retained here. Also you can view it online here.