Andreas Klöckner's pyopencl package provides a very complete set of OpenCL bindings for Python, as well as a wide range of parallel algorithms. But for those looking to experiment with OpenCL development, the core algorithm must still be written in C, as Andreas' example illustrates:
prg = cl.Program(ctx, """
__kernel void sum(__global const float *a_g, __global const float *b_g, __global float *res_g) {
int gid = get_global_id(0);
res_g[gid] = a_g[gid] + b_g[gid];
py2opencl tries to simlify this by converting Python to C for a limited set of Python. Where possible, I maintain compatibility with Numpy -- you should be able to run the same function in a Python for
loop or using py2opencl
without modification, and expect to see the same results (at vastly different speeds, of course).
OpenCL doesn't necessarily require a GPU, but it does require drivers. OS X systems ship with drivers by default; on Linux, I'd recommend AMD's "Accelerated Parallel Processing" SDK, which works on any modern x86 CPU without any need for a GPU. I've also tested this code using Nvidia's nvidia-opencl-icd-331
package on Ubuntu, paired with a GeForce GT 630M GPU.
The rules for the Game of Life cellular automaton are easily expressed in a few lines of Python. In the following example, I define a next_it
function to generate the next iteration of an array, then convert that function to an OpenCL kernel and calculate 1e6 iterations.
from py2opencl import Py2OpenCL
import numpy
from numpy.random import randint
def next_it( x, y, dest, src ):
neighbor coordinates:
0, 1, 2,
3, 4,
5, 6, 7
live_neighbors = ( src[ x-1, y-1 ] + src[ x, y-1 ] + src[ x+1, y-1 ]
+ src[ x-1, y ] + src [ x+1, y ]
+ src[ x-1, y+1 ] + src[ x, y+1 ] + src[ x+1, y+1 ] )
if live_neighbors < 2:
dest[x,y] = 0
elif live_neighbors == 3:
dest[x,y] = 1
elif src[x,y] and live_neighbors == 2:
dest[x,y] = 1
elif live_neighbors > 3:
dest[x,y] = 0
dest[x,y] = 0
grid = randint( 0, 2, size=(40, 40) ).astype(numpy.dtype('uint8'))
iterate = Py2OpenCL( next_it )
iterate.bind( grid, return_type = numpy.dtype('uint8') )
print iterate.kernel
for i in range(int(1e6)):
grid = iterate.apply( grid )
The Py2OpenCL
constructor takes a function (or lambda) as an argument. This function is converted to a kernel in the subset of C defined by OpenCL. However, C is a statically typed language, while Python is dynamically typed -- the Python abstract syntax tree (AST) has nothing to say about the types of dest
or src
in this example. These types must be inferred from the arguments supplied, which happens when .bind
is called. In this example, that isn't enough, as 0 and 1 are of ambiguous type, so py2opencl
doesn't know the return type of the dest
array. This is supplied via the return_type
argument to .bind
Note that any old function won't do; py2opencl
expects function arguments to appear in a specific order:
- index(es)
- output/destination array
- input/source array(s)
In the example above, the src
array is 2-dimensional, so py2opencl
expects two index arguments (x
and y
), and produces a 2D array as output.
The example above is converted to this C kernel:
#pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_fp64 : enable
#define XDIM 40
#define YDIM 40
#define FLATTEN2( i, j ) (TOTSIZE + ((j * XDIM) + i)) % TOTSIZE
__kernel void sum( __global const uchar *src, __global uchar *res_g ) {
size_t gid_x = get_global_id(0);
size_t gid_y = get_global_id(1);
uchar live_neighbors;
live_neighbors = (((((((src[ FLATTEN2( (gid_x - 1),(gid_y - 1) ) ] + src[ FLATTEN2( gid_x,(gid_y - 1) ) ])
+ src[ FLATTEN2( (gid_x + 1),(gid_y - 1) ) ]) + src[ FLATTEN2( (gid_x - 1),gid_y ) ])
+ src[ FLATTEN2( (gid_x + 1),gid_y ) ]) + src[ FLATTEN2( (gid_x - 1),(gid_y + 1) ) ])
+ src[ FLATTEN2( gid_x,(gid_y + 1) ) ]) + src[ FLATTEN2( (gid_x + 1),(gid_y + 1) ) ]);
if( ((live_neighbors < 2)) ) {
res_g[ FLATTEN2( gid_x,gid_y ) ] = 0;
} else {
if( ((live_neighbors == 3)) ) {
res_g[ FLATTEN2( gid_x,gid_y ) ] = 1;
} else {
if( (src[ FLATTEN2( gid_x,gid_y ) ] && ((live_neighbors == 2))) ) {
res_g[ FLATTEN2( gid_x,gid_y ) ] = 1;
} else {
if( ((live_neighbors > 3)) ) {
res_g[ FLATTEN2( gid_x,gid_y ) ] = 0;
} else {
res_g[ FLATTEN2( gid_x,gid_y ) ] = 0;
Note the FLATTEN2
macro. OpenCL only accepts flat arrays, but has support for multidimensional indexing via the get_global_id
function; it's up to the user to convert those X and Y coordinates into a single offset. py2opencl
simplifies this with the FLATTEN2 and FLATTEN3 macros. It also handles wrap-around in order to prevent access to outside memory.
provides support for built-in functions via the F module, as shown in this example:
from py2opencl import Py2OpenCL, F
import numpy as np
a = Py2OpenCL( lambda x: F.sin( x ) ).map( (100 * np.random.rand( int(1e3) )) )
To the Python interpreter, F.sin
is the same as numpy.sin
, but py2opencl
knows to convert it to OpenCL's native sin function.
This example also illustrates the .map
helper function, which is equivalent calling .bind
and .apply
The above graph compares the run-times of a simple test-script running on my laptop's GeForce GT 630M GPU (96 shaders) vs. its quad-core Intel i7 CPU using AMD's OpenCL driver.
By its nature, py2opencl
won't ever support many parts of Python: no lists, tuples, or dictionaries. No calling outside functions.
I will likely add support for limited for
and while
I'd also like to add support for len
, eg:
def next_it( i, dest, src ):
if i+1 >= len(src):
dest[i] = 10
dest[i] = dest[i+1]