
It's a desktop application using Python and Qt for the purpose of viewing and manipulating various types of signal data. The primary goal of this project is to provide a user-friendly tool that enables users to interact with signal data files, such as ECG, EEG, EMG, and more, while offering essential signal processing functionalities.

Primary LanguagePython



The Signal Viewer Program is a versatile and user-friendly application for viewing and analyzing medical signals. This program allows users to open multiple signals simultaneously, perform various operations on them, create reports for future diagnosis, and compare signals using two synchronized graphs.



1. Open Multiple Signals

  • You can open multiple medical signals simultaneously to analyze and compare them.

2. Zoom In and Out

  • Easily zoom in and out of signal data to focus on specific timeframes and details.

3. Hide Specific Signals

  • You can hide specific signals to simplify the visualization and focus on relevant data.

4. Two Graphs

  • The program provides two separate graphs for comparing different signals side by side.

5. Move Signals Between Graphs

  • You can move signals from one graph to another for comparison and analysis.

6. Link Button

  • The link button allows you to synchronize the two graphs. When linked, any operations you perform on one graph (e.g., zooming, hiding signals) will be mirrored on the other graph.

Getting Started

To use the Signal Viewer Program, follow these steps:

  1. Clone or download this repository to your local machine.

  2. Open the program using your preferred development environment or by running the executable file.

  3. Load your medical signal data files using the "Open" option.

  4. Explore the program's features to analyze, compare, and create reports for future diagnosis.


  • Open Signal File: Use the "Open" option to load one or multiple signal files into the program.

  • Zoom In/Out: Utilize the zoom functionality to magnify or shrink the data for detailed analysis.

  • Hide Signals: Hide specific signals from the display to focus on relevant information.

  • Move Signals: Transfer signals between the two graphs for comparison.

  • Link Graphs: Click the link button to synchronize the two graphs, enabling simultaneous operations on both.

  • Generate Reports: Create reports based on your analysis for future diagnosis or reference.


Thank you for using the Signal Viewer Program! We hope this tool helps you with your medical signal analysis and diagnosis needs. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or suggestions.