Flight Search Application QA Tests

My Postman Documentation : https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/27220093/2s9Y5R16DE

StartFragmenthere is an API that is operational at the address "https://flights-api.buraky.workers.dev/". Tests need to be written for this API. The expected tests are as follows:

  • Check HTTP status codes

    GET requests should return a status code of 200.

  • Check response content

    Responses to GET requests should follow this structure:

Response: Object\[string -> Array\[Flight\]\]
Flight {
 Id   integer
 From string
 To   string
 Date string


“data”: \[
   "id": 1,
   "from": "IST",
   "to": "LAX",
   "date": "2022-12-13"
    "id": 2,
    "from": "JFK",
    "to": "LHR",
    "date": "2022-12-14"

  • Header check
    Responses from GET requests should have a "Content-Type" header with a value of "application/json".