
Tools for Ukko cluster @ cs.helsinki.fi

Primary LanguagePython


Tools for Ukko cluster: http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/en/compfac/high-performance-cluster-ukko



The script creates the following files:

  • ~/tmp/ukko/hostfile-X: all hosts with load at most X
  • ~/tmp/ukko/loginfile-X: the same information for Gnu Parallel

Using Gnu Parallel

Recommended setup:

  • Select one Ukko node as your "master" node. Below, we will use ukko030.hpc.cs.helsinki.fi.

  • SSH from your own computer to melkinkari.cs.helsinki.fi

  • Start screen on melkinkari

  • Inside screen, run ssh ukko030.hpc.cs.helsinki.fi to connect to the master node.

  • Then we will run Gnu Parallel on the master node.


  • Make sure that hpcssh is in your path.

  • Configure SSH public key authentication so that you can open SSH connections from the master node to any other Ukko node, without entering a password. For example, this should work as expected:

    username@ukko030:~$ hpcssh ukko031.hpc.cs.helsinki.fi hostname

Run ukko-update to make sure the login file is up-to-date.

Now we are ready to do some computation; see below for an example.


In this example, we would like to run the command example-compute with a large number of different command line parameters.

We will assume that you have cloned this Git repository to ~/ukko, and your current working directory is ~.

First, run the following command to create a batch file:


Now you should have a batch file in ~/tmp/example/batch. There are 500 line in the file, one line per command:

ukko/example-compute 0
ukko/example-compute 1
ukko/example-compute 2
ukko/example-compute 3

Let us first make sure that the tool works without Gnu Parallel. Run the following command:

ukko/example-compute 1

It should finish soon, print one line of output, and also store the result in the file ~/tmp/example/result-1.

Now let us run the batch file, using all nodes with load at most 4:

parallel --sshloginfile tmp/ukko/loginfile-4 --joblog tmp/example/joblog < tmp/example/batch

This should finish fairly quickly. You will see 500 lines of output. The results of the computation will be stored in ~/tmp/example, and you will also find the log file there. If something goes wrong, study the log file.


If you follow the above procedure, there will be only one process running on each node simultaneously.

Use, for example, OpenMP or make -j to benefit from multiple cores.