
Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Infrastructure designed to enhance the usability of innovative spatial econometric methods within the Python Spatial Analysis Library (PySAL). The integration framework leverages the user interface and data management capabilities provided in ArcGIS making analytical techniques developed in PySAL more accessible to the general GIS User.


  • Ordinary Least Squares
  • LM Tests for Alternative Spatial Model Selection
  • Spatial Error Model
  • Spatial Lag Model
  • Spatial Weights Utilities


ArcGIS Pro with Conda (1.3+)

Conda makes the installation of additional Python Packages simple. See The Python Package Manager for a detailed explanation. For Pro 1.4 and beyond, Pro Users can install pysal through the GUI in the Python tab in the Project options. All others must install pysal using the command-line: Using ArcGIS .bat Files to Install Conda Packages. conda install pysal is the only command required once you have initialized the arcgispro-py3 environment.

ArcGIS Pro (1.0 - 1.2) and ArcGIS Desktop 10.4.1+

Step 1: Add Full Python Installation (Pro Users Only)

The first several releases of ArcGIS Pro came with a stripped down version of Python. This made the footprint on disk small but denied the User the ability to run Python Scripts from a terminal or IDE. If you find yourself in this group please log-in and download full Python Distribution

Step 2: Install pysal Using pip

SciPy is a required Python Package for pysal. Users with installations from this section (and the previous) already have SciPy in their Python Setup. As such, the only additional package required is pysal. You must use a pip command to install the software, but first you need to identify the location the of the script. For most ArcGIS Desktop Users the pip.exe resides in the C:\Python27\Desktop10.x/Scripts directory. The corresponding directory for Pro Users is typically C:\Python34\Desktop10.x\Scripts. Open a terminal and change into this directory and execute pip install pysal.

ArcGIS Desktop 10.1 - 10.4

Step 1: Basic ArcGIS - Python Setup

For the majority of Users, the ArcGIS Installation Process will have already installed the correct version of Python and the supporting packages and therefore can skip to the next Step.

For those that used the advanced installation option to allow you to install Python yourself it is up to you to make sure the packages conform. The easiest way to do this is to just install the correct Python Package Versions related to your own ArcGIS install:

ArcGIS Python NumPy Matplotlib
10.1 2.7.2 1.6.1 1.1.0
10.2 2.7.3 1.6.1 1.1.1
10.2.1 2.7.5 1.7.1 1.3.0
10.3 2.7.5 1.7.1 1.3.0
10.3.1 2.7.8 1.7.1 1.3.0
10.4 2.7.10 1.9.2 1.4.3

Note that in the PyParsing Python Package is no longer installed with this version of Matplotlib 1.3.0, however, it is required in order for Matplotlib to function properly. It is advised that you install PyParsing 1.5.7 if you are managing your own Python Installation.

Step 2: SciPy Setup

This project requires the SciPy Python Package, however, confusion/problems may arise due to the emergence of the SciPy Stack. The latter package contains an all-in-one suite of packages to support analytics in Python, yet it often includes a version of NumPy or MatPlotLib that does not conform with the ArcGIS release. It is advised that you install SciPy by itself and avoid the SciPy Stack unless you are willing to fix any issues that may arise.

We are not aware of any constraints concerning the version of SciPy and how it relates to the Python Packages listed in Step 1. We suggest that you obtain version 0.13.0 from the SourceForge Download Site:

Download SciPy

Alternative PySAL Setup Using GitHub for Non-Conda Setups

  1. Clone the latest PySAL repository: PySAL GitHub Site.
    Please note the directory you cloned it to: E.g. C:\Data\git.
  2. Follow the directions in the Adding a Git Project to your ArcGIS Installation Python Path section below to place the path to the PySAL repository in your Python Path .

PySAL-ArcGIS-Toolbox Setup Using GitHub

  1. Clone the latest PySAL-ArcGIS-Toolbox repository: PySAL-ArcGIS-Toolbox GitHub Site.
  2. If you are only going to use the Toolbox and supporting scripts as ArcGIS Script Tools then you do not need to continue with the steps below. However, if you want to be able to call the functions provided by this project from within the Python Window or Terminal then you must add the PySAL-ArcGIS-Toolbox\Scripts directory to your Python Path using the directions outlined in section Adding a Git Project to your ArcGIS Installation Python Path.

Adding a Git Project to your ArcGIS Installation Python Path

  1. Append the base PySAL directory (if you installed via git) and PySAL-ArcGIS-Toolbox directory to your Python Path. ArcGIS Desktop Users must add the path to the desktop10.x.pth file that the ArcGIS Installation Process created. The file is located in your $PYTHONHOME\Lib\site-packages directory (Most common location is C:\Python27\Desktop10.x\Lib\site-packages).
    For ArcGIS Pro Users with versions 1.0 - 1.2 that have installed the full version of Python will find the ArcGISPro.pth file in the C:\Python34\Lib\site-packages directory. All other Pro users will be using the arcgispro-py3 Conda environment and will find the ArcGISPro.pth file in the C:$ARCHOME$\bin\Python\envs\arcgispro-py3\lib\site-packages directory.

  2. Optionally, users may create their own personal .pth file(s) so that they do not mess with the original one that ArcGIS installs for them. This is probably your safest bet and all you have to do is place it in the same installation directory described previously. The prefix of the file does not matter, just make sure that the extension is .pth.


  • ArcGIS
  • SciPy
  • PySAL

(Please see Instructions)



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Copyright 2016 Esri

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

A copy of the license is available in the repository's license.txt file.

[](Esri Tags: Python Spatial Analysis Library PySAL) [](Esri Language: Python)