
Collections of papers and books about Haskell, Type Theory and Category Theory

Some collection of recommonded paper and books about Haskell, Type Theory and Category Theory


Paper Title Author
Monads for Functional Programming Philip Wadler
Notions of computation and monads Eugenio Moggi
Stream Fusion. From Lists to Streams to Nothing at All (2007) Duncan Coutts , Roman Leshchinskiy , Don Stewart
Composable Memory Transactions Simon Peyton Jones
Towards Haskell in the Cloud Jeff Epstein, Andrew Black, and Simon Peyton Jone
Henk: a typed intermediate language & Tutorial introduction to the lambda cube E Meijer, Simon Peyton Jones
Why Functional Programming Matters John Hughes


Book Name Author
Types & Programming Languages Benjamin C. Pierce
Category Theory for Computer Scientists Michel Barr & Charles Wells
Category Theory for Programmers Bartosz Milewski
Category Theory for Scientists (draft version) David Spivak
Seven Sketches in Compositionality David Spivak
Categories for the Working Mathematician Saunders Mac Lane
Conceptual Mathematics: A First Introduction to Categories Stephen Schanuel and William Lawvere

Technical Essays and Articles

Title Author
The Expression Problem Philip Wadler