
11/8 a)It allows user to Sign Up, Sign In, Sign Out. Sign Up have first name, last name, Email and password. In order to use the system, a user must sign in first. b)User is able to store user’s advertisements for others to read. This include the item name, item description, seller information, item price and quantity. (Only text, no images). E.g. Advertisement – “Laptop”, “2.2 GHz Core 2 Duo, 2GB RAM…”, “Jon Smith, shipping from NY”, “$600”, “4 pieces” c) It give all the advertisements details to all the other users. d) Users can buy the product displayed by other users. You should take care of quantities and should respectively reflect user accounts in case of any transaction. e) Shopping Cart is maintained which will reflect temporary items. Users is able to add, remove items from the cart until checkout. f) Checkout deducts and add items from seller and buyer respectively. g) It also perform simple credit card validations on payment. (check on the number of 16 digits) h) Users account should reflect all the bought and sold items