Using iOS 11 SDKs with pre-trained neural networks to allow your iOS 11 devices to see.
- arminius2California
- arslanbilal@hepsiburada
- AsichKazakhstan, Almaty
- Barmotska-Siarhei
- eralpkaraduman@nicework-company
- ghechoGlasgow, Scotland
- harshaiOS
- ikolpachkov
- imagefun
- inzaninzan
- jarvisuser90
- joannayuhk
- JohnMarkRAustin, Texas
- JoshHrachPhoenix, AZ
- kennicAppora
- kollapze
- lanebrain
- ldiazColombia
- LucciferEyerise
- MikeGlotov@Revolut
- nadthevlad
- narciszaitStudent
- narnerSan Francisco
- neoneyeiroots.dk
- oltv00
- pchelnikov@lifesum
- raulsilvamxHexadan
- redmonston
- rogerthoangModern Web Solution / Blockforecast
- SaurmanUkraine
- SebastianOsinski@toptal
- SimonJanevskiWS Audiology
- VAndrJUkraine
- VladKorzunPortland, OR
- vpolsinelli@ecobee
- wilmarvhThe Netherlands