- Updated
- Added
- Added
dir containing kubernetes Manifests yamls
Building docker image
docker build -t bookstore-api:latest .
List images to verify
docker images
To Run the docker image
docker run -p 80:80 bookstore-api:latest
To push docker image
docker push hethkar/bookstore-api:latest
For connecting to the local dabase
Use something like https://dbeaver.io/download/
For deployment of bookstore api
kubectl apply -f k8s_manifest/deployment_manifest.yaml
Exposing as nodeport service
kubectl apply -f k8s_manifest/nodeport_service.yaml
For deployment of the database
Creating secret
kubectl apply -f k8s_manifest/secrets.yaml
Creating database deployment with configmap and pvc
kubectl apply -f k8s_manifest/alldb-one.yaml
To login to the postgres database
kubectl exec --stdin --tty "$(kubectl get pods -l "app=postgres" -o jsonpath="{.items[0].metadata.name}")" -- psql -h localhost -U postgres