
Hammerspoon configuration library which provides yet another modifier key.

Primary LanguageLua


hyperex is Hammerspoon script which provides yet another modifier key. With simplicity, adaptability, diversity.

Release Note


  • Can be attached to modifier key now




Place hyperex.lua into ~/.hammerspoon/


local hyperex = require('hyperex')
local hx = hyperex.new('f18') -- f18 becomes hyper-key

hyperex can attach behavior to modifier key. It can be set individual instance on the left and right.

local leftCmd = hyperex.new('cmd') -- define generic label as left
local rightCmd = hyperex.new('rightcmd')

adding shortcut and function

This setting acts like hotkey during press hyper-key.

-- syntax
-- hyperex:bind(key):to(key, {mods, ...})
-- hyperex:bind(key):to(function)

-- hyper + a -> b
-- hyper + ] -> shift + 8
hx:bind(']'):to('8', {'shift'})
-- hyper + z -> trigger function
hx:bind('z'):to(function() hs.eventtap.keyStroke({}, 'h') end)

If attached to modifier key, source modifier is not merged.

adding modifiers

This setting modify only modifier keys.

-- syntax
-- hyperex:mod({mods, ...}):to({key, otherKey, ...})

--  hyper + 3 or 4 -> cmd + shift + 3 or 4
hx:mod({'cmd', 'shift'}):to('3','4')

-- some special idiom
-- hyper + anyKey -> ctrl + shift + anyKey
hx:mod({'ctrl', 'shift'}):to('any')
-- hyper + a~z -> ctrl + shift + a~z
hx:mod({'ctrl', 'shift'}):to('atoz')
-- hyper + f1~f15 -> ctrl + shift + f1~f15
hx:mod({'ctrl', 'shift'}):to('fkeys')
-- hyper + 0~9 -> 0~9
-- hyper + keypad(pad0~9, pad+, pad-, etc...) -> keypad

If attached to modifier key, source modifier is merged.

InitialKey and EmptyHitKey

InitialKey is triggered immediately when hyper-key is pressed.
EmptyHitKey is triggered when hyper-key is released if any setting was not triggered.

hx:setInitialKey(0x66) --eisu
hx:setEmptyHitKey(0x68) --kana

-- or function is also supported
hx:setInitialFunc(function ... end)
hx:setEmptyHitFunc(function ... end)


Show message with hs.alert() when triggered. Default duration is 0.4 sec.

-- syntax
-- hyperex:withMessage(message[, leaveMessage][, duration])
-- setting:withMessage(message[, duration])

local hx = hyperex.new(0x50):withMessage("hello", "bye", 0.5)
hx:bind('a'):to('a', {}):withMessage("a was pressed", 0.1)

Sticky mode

Sticky mode has three variants.

  • 'once' : It ends soon after any one stroke.
  • 'toggle' : Enabled until you press the hyper-key again.
  • 'chain' : Enabled while strokes continue at short intervals

Pressing the esc key ends mode immediately regardless of variant.

local hx = hyperex.new('f18')
hx:sticky('chain', 0.4) -- pass effective duration as secs

If attached to modifier key, sticky mode is disabled.


"Secure Keyboard Entry" option of Terminal.app avoids input monitoring. This option interferes with the operation of hyperex.

hyperex can be used multiple instances.

local hyperex = require('hyperex')
local hx = hyperex.new('f18')
local hx2 = hyperex.new('f19')

You can not set the same key as hyper-key

local hx = hyperex.new('f18')
hx:bind('f18'):to(...) -- disabled
hx:setInitialKey('f18') -- disabled
hx:setEmptyHitKey('f18') -- disabled
hx:bind('f1'):to('f18') -- enabled but confuse

Give priority to early settings. bind takes precedence over mod all the time.

local hx = hyperex.new('f18')
hx:mod({'ctrl', 'shift'}):to('f1','f2') -- only f2 is enabled 
hx:bind('f1'):to(...) -- enabled
hx:bind('f1'):to(...) -- disabled
hx:mod({'alt'}):to('f2','f3') -- only f3 is enabled

hyperex handles only real keyboard input.

-- this setting could be triggered. infinite loop does not occur.
hx:bind('x'):to(function() hs.eventtap.keyStroke({}, 'x') end)

Method chain

class method return
CHyper .new() CHyper
CHyper :setInitialKey() self
CHyper :setEmptyHitKey() self
CHyper :sticky() self
CHyper :bind() CBinder
CHyper :mod() CModifier
CBinder :to() self
CModifier :to() self
* :withMessage() self


Make left cmd to EISU and right cmd to KANA when type alone.

local hxLCmd = hyperex.new('cmd'):setEmptyHitKey(0x66)
local hxRCmd = hyperex.new('rightcmd'):setEmptyHitKey(0x68)



