
NodeJS Orb for CircleCI

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A nodeJS Orb for CircleCI that encapsulates some common tasks associated with nodeJS and CircleCI



version: 2.1

  node-orb: circleci/node@0.0.1

      name: node-orb/node # put executor in the name
      tag: "6"
    parallelism: 3
      - checkout
      - node-orb/install_package_manager:
          npm: true
          npm_version: 6.0.1
      - node-orb/with_cache:
            - run: 
                command: npm install
      - run: mkdir -p ~/project/junit
      - node-orb/with_splitting:
          glob-path: "test/**/*.spec.js"
            - run: env
            - run: 
                command: npm test --glob ${TESTFILES}
                  MOCHA_FILE: ~/project/junit/test-results.xml
                when: always
      - store_test_results:
          path: ~/project/junit
      - store_artifacts:
          path: ~/project/junit
      - run: env

      - build


Executor Default
default node:latest
node latest
postgres latest
mysql latest



Install a specific version of yarn or npm.
Parameter Type Default Description
npm boolean false Install specific version of npm. If npm_version is not specified, the latest stable will be installed.
yarn boolean false Install specific version of yarn. If yarn_version is not specified, the latest stable will be installed.
npm_version string "latest" Version of npm to be installed.
yarn_version string "" Version of yarn to be installed.


Run a set of steps with project dependencies cached.
Parameter Type Default Description
steps steps None The steps to be executed between restoring from the cache and saving to cache.
dir string "~/node_modules" The directory(ies) where project dependencies reside.
cache-key string "package.json" Version of npm to be installed.


Run a testing command (test-command) with CircleCI's built-in test splitting feature enabled. $TESTFILES is an environemnt variable that is set via this command with a list of files to be tested by container. This command requires that the parallelism key be set to a value greater than 1. Only one of test-file, test-path, or glob-path should be used to determine test-splitting. Visit https://circleci.com/docs/2.0/parallelism-faster-jobs for more details on CircleCI's test-splitting feature.
Parameter Type Default Description
steps steps None The steps to be executed after test-splitting.
test-file string "" Provide a text file with a list of test filenames.
test-path string "" Provide a path to test files.
glob-path string "" Provide a glob of test files.
split-by string "timings" On each successful run of a test suite, CircleCI saves timings data to a directory specified by the path in the store_test_results step. If you do not use store_test_results, there will be no timing data available for splitting your tests. filesize is also available as a test-splitting method.
timings-type string "filename" CircleCI expectes both filenames and classnames to be present in the timing data produced. By default, splitting defaults to filename, but you can specify classname to split by class.