
Highly optimized FM-Index for genome sequence.

Primary LanguageC++


biomodern::FMIndex is specialization of FM-Index for genome sequence which implemented using C++20. The core data structure of FMIndex are following:

biomodern::DibitVector bwt; // a compression vector which store the bwt.
vector<array<uint32_t, 4>> occ1;
vector<array<uint8_t, 4>> occ2; // a hierarchical sampled occurrence table.
vector<uint32_t> sa; // a sampled suffix array.
vector<uint32_t> lookup; // a lookup table for fixed suffix query.

The sampling parameters are those three:

  • occ_intv: occ sampling interval, default value is 16.
  • sa_intv: sa sampling interval, default value is 1.
  • lookup_len: the length of fixed suffix for lookup, default value is 14.

The memory usage for FMIndex in run time is affect by above parameters. Take a 3.1Gb human genome for example, the memory occupation can be calculate as follwing:

  • bwt string: 3.1Gb / 4 = 0.775 Gb.
  • hierarchical occurrence table: L1 occ occupy fixed 3.1Gb * 16 / 256 = 0.194Gb plus L2 occ occupy 3.1Gb * 4 / occ_intv(16) = 0.775 Gb.
  • suffix array: 3.1Gb * 4 / sa_intv(1) = 12Gb. Noticed that in default mode we dont sampling suffix value since this can reduce frequently memory allocation and intense computation when occurs massive query.
  • lookup table: 4^lookup_len(14) * 4 / 1024^3 = 1Gb.

So the default total memory occupation for 3.1Gb human genome is 0.775 Gb + 0.194Gb + 0.775Gb + 12Gb + 1Gb = 14.744Gb.


  • GCC 10.2


The FMIndex class provide very simple interface for ultra fast exact match:

using istring_view = basic_string_view<int8_t>;

// Utility for compute the suffix array from istring
static vector<uint32_t> FMIndex::get_sa(istring_view ref);

// Ctor. initialize the core data structure from reference istring. 
// Noticed that this Ctor will call FMIndex::get_sa(...) to generate suffix array.
FMIndex(istring_view ref);

// Get begin and end index of the uncompressed suffix array for the input seed.
// Difference between begin and end is the occurrence count in reference.
// The third value is the remaining prefix length for the seed. 
// Notice that when the stop_cnt is -1, this value always be 0.
// The stop_cnt can be using to early stop when occurrence count is not greater than the value.
// Set to -1 to forbid early stop.
tuple<uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t> get_range(istring_view seed, uint32_t stop_cnt);

// Compute the suffix array value according to the begin and end. 
// If sa_intv is 1, this can be done at O(1).
vector<uint32_t> get_offsets(uint32_t, uint32_t);

// Utility for serialization. 
// The binary binary archive file size is same as the memory occupation in run time.
void save(ofstream&);
void load(ifstream&);


#include <iostream>
#include <experimental/random>
#include "fm_index.hpp"
int main() {
  using namespace biomodern::utility;
  using namespace std::string_literals;

    auto ref = istring{};
    auto fin = std::ifstream{"hs37d5.fa"};
    for (auto line = ""s; std::getline(fin, line);) {
      if (line.front() == '>') {
        std::cout << line << "\n";
      auto subref = Codec::to_istring(line);
      // fm-index only support four characters so we need change 'N' to 'ACGT'
      for (auto& c : subref) if (c == 4) c = std::experimental::randint(0, 3);
      ref += subref;
    const auto fmi = biomodern::FMIndex{ref};
    auto fout = std::ofstream{"hs37d5.fmi", std::ios::binary};
  auto fmi = biomodern::FMIndex{};
    auto fin = std::ifstream{"hs37d5.fmi", std::ios::binary};
  for (auto seed = istring{}; std::cin >> seed;) {
    const auto [beg, end, offset] = fmi.get_range(seed, 0);
    std::cout << "seed: " << seed << "\n";
    std::cout << "seed offset: " << offset << "\n";
    std::cout << "occurrence: " << end - beg << "\n";
    const auto offsets = fmi.get_offsets(beg, end);
    std::cout << "ref offsets: ";
    for (const auto offset : offsets) std::cout << offset << " ";
      std::cout << "\n";