This repository represents my dot files. It works on both Debian based Linux and MacOS. Feel free to use.
- tmux with prefix
ctrl + q
- lf
- pistol
- autojump
- fzf
- zsh
- oh-my-zsh
- nvm with the latest nodejs
- pyenv with the latest python3
- other utilities, such as imgcat, yarn, trash, etc.
You can install this repository using wget
bash -c "$(wget -O -)"
or using curl
bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
You might need to fill in your sudo password during software installation and changing shell.
For file browsing, type lf
For file searching, type f
To enter a historical directory, type c
To search a historical commmand, type h
To start or attach to a tmux session, type t
. Type ctrl q |
to split the window vertically. Type ctrl q -
to split the window horizontally.
will be aliased to trash
First make an alias of git as
alias dot="git --git-dir=$HOME/.cfg/ --work-tree=$HOME"
dot remote set-url origin # Or your own repository
dot ...
dot push