
Hexagon example service built with Maven.

Primary LanguageKotlin

Maven Starter Application

This is a Hexagon service created from a template.

Software Requirements

To build the application you will need:

  • JDK 11+ for compiling the sources.
  • An Internet connection to download the dependencies.

To run the application:

  • JRE 11+ (JDK is not required at runtime).


  • Build: ./mvnw compile
  • Rebuild: ./mvnw clean package
  • Run: ./mvnw exec:java
  • Test (*Test): ./mvnw test
  • Integration Test (*IT): ./mvnw verify
  • Test Coverage: ./mvnw test verify jacoco:report
  • Run Container (after assemble): docker-compose up -d

The reports are located in the target directory after building the project.

Maven Wrapper Setup

You can change Gradle version in .mvn/wrapper/maven-wrapper.properties.


After building the project (./mvnw package), an archive with the application's executable JAR is stored in target/<projectName>-<version>-jar-with-dependencies.jar.

You can run the application executing the following command: java -jar target/<projectName>-<version>-jar-with-dependencies.jar

Logs are stored in the log directory inside the script's execution directory.

Once the application is running, you can send a request executing: curl http://localhost:9090/text

Native Image

./mvnw -Pnative -Dagent install