modsetting vs armsoc
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Thanks for your work for preparing the Linux images with latest kernels for odroid u3.
I see that you have made modsetting as the default x11 driver even though you say that it is slower than armsoc in your readme. Can you please explain the reasoning behind it?
Also, have you thought about using glamor to enable 2d acceleration of the desktop. as I understand glamor requires GL that you enabled using gl4es. Any thoughts?
Thanks, I understand. But for my own learning and experience, can you please provide me what would be needed to enable it. What all components would be required and what all would be needed to be rebuilt with appropriate flags.
If you provide a rough idea, I may try to do it.
Hello hexdump,
I installed the gnome3 desktop in your image and setup the library paths to prioritize gl4es and Mali libraries from /opt.
With this I expected the gnome3 desktop to be working with gl4es providing OpenGL acceleration. However I’m kicked back to the login screen if I select gnome3 desktop. I tried both armsoc as well as modsetting x11 drivers and remembered to switch between Mali-x11 or Mali-fbdev along with LIBGL_FB=3 when using Mali-fbdev.
Per this post gnome3 worked with gl4es on odroid-xu4 so I assume it should work on odroid-u3 as well. Do you think odroid-u3 is missing something that gnome3 cannot work even with gl4es?
Sorry to keep bothering you.
Thanks in advance.
Hi @nijhawank, did you ever get gnome3 working?
i think lima slowly gets ito the territory where it might run gnome maybe ... the u3 mali blobs are older than the xu4 ones, so it might be impossible to get it working on the u3 even it it is possible on the xu4