• Three microservices to user to mimic the operation of a coffee house
    • Coffee inventory service - holds information about inventory levels.
      • Rest API used to get inventory information
      • JMS messaging used to increase inventory from brewing, decrease inventory froom order allocation Coffee Inventory Failover Service - Service to provide a positive response if inventory service is not avaible.
    • Coffee service - holds information about Coffee brewed, Rest API for Coffee CRUD opearations.
      • JMS messaging to brew Coffee when inventory is low
      • Scheduled job to brew Coffee
    • Coffee order service - Holds information about veer orders
      • RestAPI for Coffee order Operations
      • JMS Messaging to allocate Coffee orders
      • Tasting room service - sheduled job to order Coffee, which decreases inventory, which triggers brewing. Important to understand Coffee Order Service will generate orders, request allocations from inventory (reducing inventory) which triggers Coffee service to brew Coffee (adding to inventory)
  • Data is pesisted to postgreSQL via JPA/Hibernate
  • JMS is used for messaging between services

In this example we're looking at four microservices that worked in orchestration. We can view coffee, add coffee, delete coffee, get coffee inventory, brew new coffee, and we can order coffee

Work order:

  1. order-service is generating orders (scheduled job to order coffee)
  2. This is decrease inventory in inventory-service if inventory-service is fail, then we use inventory-failover
  3. If inventory is low, then coffee-service is brew new coffee and adding it to inventory


ActiveMQ queue

  1. brewing-request - coffee-service send message every 5 second itself listen message.

    If we have inventory on hand more than min needed, then we send message to brew that coffee.

  2. new-inventory - coffee-service send, inventory-service listen.

    After coffee-service brew new coffee it sends message to inventory-service to increase amount of this coffee.

  3. validate-order - order-service send, coffee-service listen.

    order-service create new order and send it to coffee-service to validate it. If all coffee in order founded by upc, then order is validate.

  4. validate-order-result - coffee-service send, order-service listen.

    If the order verification is successful, the coffee-service sends the result back to the order-service.

  5. allocate-order - order-service send, inventory-service listen.

    Performs the shipment of coffee to the customer by order

  6. allocate-order-result - inventory-service send, order-service listen.

    Get result about successfully allocation.

  7. allocation-failure - inventory-service send, order-service listen.

    Get result about failure allocation.

  8. deallocate-order - order-service send, but have not any listener.

    Needed to fix this


Check for low inventory (coffee-service, every 5 seconds)

  1. coffee-service check the current inventory on hand for all coffee (brewingService.checkForLowInventory()).
  2. coffee-service Send rest api request to inventory-service, and get quantity on hand.
  3. coffee-service if the inventory on hand <= min inventory, coffee-service send message to brew more coffee in queue brewing-request
  4. coffee-service listen queue (BrewCoffeeListener. After get that message coffee-service begin brew coffee, increase quantity.
  5. coffee-service send new quantity in queue new-inventory
  6. inventory-service listen queue new-inventory in NewInventoryListener.listen(). Get new inventory object (coffee id with quantity) and save it in db (table coffee_inventory)

2. Create tasting room order (order-service, every 500 ms)

  1. order-service create new order with random coffee. tastingRoomService.createTastingRoomOrder(). Set order status = NEW
  2. order-service send event to state machine. CoffeeOrderManagerImpl.sendCoffeeOrderEvent()
  3. order-service state machine start event action in ValidateCoffeeOrder.execute() and send order to queue validate-order
  4. coffee-service CoffeeOrderValidationListener.listen() listen queue validate-order and send message to queue validate-order-result
  5. order-service listen queue validate-order-result (CoffeeOrderValidationResultListener.listen()) change order status from PENDING_VALIDATION to VALIDATED.
  6. order-service state machine start event action ALLOCATE_ORDER (AllocateCoffeeOrder.execute()) and send message (order) to queue allocate-order
  7. inventory-service listen queue allocate-order in AllocationListener.listen() and check whether there are enough quantity to allocate an order or not and send result to queue allocate-order-result
  8. order-service state machine set status ALLOCATED and save order to DB.


  1. java 17
  2. Docker
  3. Kubernetes
  4. Maven 4.0.0


Build using docker-compose (for local usage)

  1. Open ./docker folder and run command sh createDockerImages.sh
  2. Try to use GET http://localhost:9090/api/v1/coffee

Build using kubernetes (for prod)

  1. Install kubectl and minikube, and start it minikube start
  2. Check node kubectl get nodes and context kubectl config get-contexts should be "minikube"
  3. Run minikube dashboard and dashboard will open automatically in browser
  4. Apply that commands:
    kubectl apply -f postgres-deployment.yml
    kubectl apply -f postgres-service.yml
    kubectl apply -f jms-deployment.yml
    kubectl apply -f jms-service.yml
    kubectl apply -f inventory-deployment.yml
    kubectl apply -f inventory-service.yml
    kubectl apply -f inventory-failover-deployment.yml
    kubectl apply -f inventory-failover-service.yml
    kubectl apply -f coffee-service-deployment.yml
    kubectl apply -f coffee-service.yml
    kubectl apply -f order-service-deployment.yml
    kubectl apply -f order-service.yml

Configure elastic, kibana, filebeat

  1. Open kibana http://localhost:5601
  2. Add dashboard for stream with name "filebeat". Kibana discover this stream automatically

Filebeat collect console logs from every services and shipping it to elastic. Kibana check elastic and get all logs


Services port debug port
coffee-service 8080 9080
inventory-service 8082 9082
inventory-failover 8083 9083
order-service 8081 9081
gateway 9090 9099


  1. Eureka - is not used. Kubernetes is used for service discovery
  2. Spring cloud config - Not used. Kubernetes used to manage environment properties.
  3. Single PostgreSQL instance - One instance used. Just for simplicity, a production deployment should habe independent PostgreSQL database instances.
  4. Single github repo - Again for simplicity. Microservices typically would have independent soource code repository

Kubernetes VS Spring cloud


  1. Discovery. If service more than one, they should discover each other.
  2. Fault tolerance. Resistance to crashes of one service. Fault tolerance - this is when one service crashes, resilience is when an atomic bomb falls on a data center
  3. Resilience. Resistance to the fall of the entire data center
  4. Configuration. Applications become ephemeral. They appear quickly and disappear quickly, and you need to configure them on the fly
  5. API Managment. When there are a lot of applications, they need to be managed. More precisely, applications expose the API to the outside and they need to be managed.


  1. Discovery - Eureka
  2. Fault tolerance - Spring Cloud Circuit breaker
  3. Resilience - Spring Cloud Load balancing
  4. Configuration - Spring cloud Config server
  5. API managment - Spring Cloud gateway


  1. Discovery - K8S
  2. Fault tolerance - Services + liveness / readiness
  3. Resilience - istio (Service Mesh Pattern)
  4. Configuration - ConfigMap + Secrets
  5. API managment - istio (Service Mesh Pattern)


Create deployments for every services:

  1. Postgres

    Create and apply deployment

    kubectl create deployment postgres --image=postgres --dry-run=client -o=yaml > postgres-deployment.yml

    Open file postgres-deployment.yml and add env block.

    kubectl apply -f postgres-deployment.yml

    Create and apply service

    kubectl create service clusterip postgres --tcp=5432:5432 --dry-run=client -o=yaml > postgres-service.yml

    kubectl apply -f postgres-service.yml

  2. JMS

    kubectl create deployment jms --image=vromero/activemq-artemis --dry-run=client -o=yaml > jms-deployment.yml

    kubectl apply -f jms-deployment.yml

    kubectl create service clusterip jms --tcp=8161:8161 --tcp=61616:61616 --dry-run=client -o=yaml > jms-service.yml

    kubectl apply -f jms-service.yml

  3. Inventory-service

    kubectl create deployment inventory-service --image=hexhoc/kbe-coffeehouse-inventory-service --dry-run=client -o=yaml > inventory-deployment.yml

    kubectl apply -f inventory-deployment.yml

    kubectl create service clusterip inventory-service --tcp=8082:8082 --dry-run=client -o=yaml > inventory-service.yml

    kubectl apply -f inventory-service.yml

  4. Inventory-failover-service

    kubectl create deployment inventory-failover --image=hexhoc/kbe-coffeehouse-inventory-failover --dry-run=client -o=yaml > inventory-failover-deployment.yml

    kubectl apply -f inventory-failover-deployment.yml

    kubectl create service clusterip inventory-failover --tcp=8083:8083 --dry-run=client -o=yaml > inventory-failover-service.yml

    kubectl apply -f inventory-failover-service.yml

  5. coffee-service

    kubectl create deployment coffee-service --image=hexhoc/kbe-coffeehouse-coffee-service --dry-run=client -o=yaml > coffee-service-deployment.yml

    kubectl apply -f coffee-service-deployment.yml

    kubectl create service clusterip coffee-service --tcp=8080:8080 --tcp=9080:9080 --dry-run=client -o=yaml > coffee-service.yml

    kubectl apply -f coffee-service.yml

  6. order-service

    kubectl create deployment order-service --image=hexhoc/kbe-coffeehouse-order-service --dry-run=client -o=yaml > order-service-deployment.yml

    kubectl apply -f order-service-deployment.yml

    kubectl create service clusterip order-service --tcp=8081:8081 --tcp=9081:9081 --dry-run=client -o=yaml > order-service.yml

    kubectl apply -f order-service.yml

  7. Check all deployment and services

    kubectl get all

  8. Add readiness and liveness check.

    Each service depends on the other and must wait for all dependent services before starting. For that we are use kubernetes readiness and liveness block

    add to each service properties file this:


    add this block in each deployment:

            port: 8080
            path: /actuator/health/readiness
            port: 8080
            path: /actuator/health/liveness
  9. Add gracefull shutdown for every service

    add to each service properties file this:


    add this block in each deployment:

              command: ["sh", "-c", "sleep 10"]