fedora-review: Tools to help review packages for inclusion in Fedora --------------------------------------------------------------------- This tool automates much of the dirty work when reviewing a package for the Fedora Package Collection. Like: - Downloading SRPM & SPEC from Bugzilla report - Build and install package in mock - Download upstream source - Check md5sums - Run rpmlint - Generate review template with both manual & automated checks serving as a starting point for the review work. fedora-review is still under heavy development. Contacts -------- * IRC: #fedora-review @ freenode * Mailing list: fedorareview@lists.fedorahosted.org * wiki: https://fedorahosted.org/FedoraReview/wiki/WikiStart License ------- fedora-review is licensed under GPLv2+, for more details check COPYING. Download -------- Clone the source using: $ git clone -b devel http://git.fedorahosted.org/git/FedoraReview.git Alternative repository for users wishing to use github: git://github.com/timlau/FedoraReview.git. You might consider cloning another branch e. g., a release branch. However, 'master' branch is probably not what you want. Dependencies ------------ Install dependencies: # yum install mock # yum-builddep fedora-review.spec The mock requirement is not hard, it's possible to use fedora-review without mock when always using the --prebuilt/-p option. This means that packages must be built using other tools e. g., koji. Generally, installing without mock is not recommended. Running from git ---------------- After downloading (above) use try-fedora-review: $ cd FedoraReview $ ./update-version $ ./try-fedora-review --help To run from any directory, install try-fedora-review according to instructions in that script. update-version only needs to run once. Usage ----- $ nroff -man fedora-review.1 | more $ fedora-review --help There's more in the wiki (above). Extending --------- As of 0.4, fedora-review has two plugin interfaces: * The native python interface used by modules in the src/checks directory. This is the most complete, and is required e. g., when defining a new group of tests for a new language. This is descibed in the project wiki, at https://fedorahosted.org/FedoraReview/wiki/NewPlugin * The script interface used by scripts in the scripts/ directory. This is a small interface designed to make it possible to write simple tests in plain bash. This is covered in the wiki, at https://fedorahosted.org/FedoraReview/wiki/ScriptsApi The json-based interface which existed in earlier versions has been retired. Bugs and issues --------------- Follow link in the wiki.