Our website has been moved to a new domain now. The new location of our website is: https://no5972.moe. Welcome to visit.
The .tk domain is now expired as the Freenom github action has been disabled by GitHub Staff. At this moment, we have temporarily removed the personal website link on the left in this page. We are currently applying for some new domains and please visit our temporary site at this time. We won't recommend this way over a long period of time. Thank you for your patience.
Flash Player is now end-of-support. Please check out the pinned post in the blog to learn about how to respawn Flash Player.
- 仅作笔记用:IrfanView 修改快捷键
- 修改 Windows 11 右键菜单为旧版样式
- Hexo 博客 添加 3D 看板娘 替换原来的 Live2D
- 仅作笔记用:PMX Editor 修改贴图材质
- SpringBoot 集成 WebSocket