
a distro that is only the browser and a bar with a menu system.

Primary LanguageShell


a distro that is only the browser and a bar with a menu system, the base is bspwm and waterfox. you cant change desktops and there aren't any keybins except volume up, brightness up, volume down, brightness down and an app launcher.


sudo apt install polybar sxhkd bspwm picom font-awesome rofi flatpak xwallpaper git 
git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/adi1090x/rofi.git ; cd rofi ; chmod +x setup.sh


git clone https://github.com/hexisXz/simple-web.git && cd simple-web && mv bspwm ~/.config && mv polybar ~/.config && mv sxhkd ~/.config && mv wallpapers ~/.config