
A PHP library for remote management of ClayMore miners.

Primary LanguagePHP

Build Status codecov


A PHP library for remote management of ClayMore miners.

Since nobody knows when Ethereum is going to switch to PoS this project just might prove valuable to someone.

Getting Started

Composer require or download this repo to your project and get it on.

$playmore = new PlayMore\PlayMore();
$playmore->connect('', 3334, 'P*ssw0rd'); // bool 


PHP 5.4 or higher, and maybe a ClayMore miner client (https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1433925.0)

You Can Now

Manage a miner with an instance of the PlayMore class, like this

  • Test the connection availability
$playmore->test(); // bool
  • Get normal or detailed statistics like you see in EthMan
$playmore->status(); // array

$playmore->details(); // array
  • Restart the Miner client, or Reboot the machine
$playmore->restart(); // bool
$playmore->reboot(); // bool
  • Change the Mode of any GPU by index from the status call (single/dual/disabled)
$playmore->setGpuMode($gpuIdx, PlayMore\GPUMode::SINGLE); // bool
  • Read and Write the Config- Epools- and Dpools- files
$playmore->config(); // string
$playmore->setConfig($newConfigContent); // bool

$playmore->epools(); // string
$playmore->setEpools($newEpoolsContent); // bool

$playmore->dpools(); // string
$playmore->setDpools($newDpoolsContent); // bool
  • And ...
$playmore->disconnect(); // bool


Please do not hesitate to help out improving code in this project.

Or just send some ❤ 0x99DD98ee91f19aBc33474e8ca7c900d23395f412


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