
CRUX ports for use as a Qubes template

Primary LanguageShell


The current steps will help you install CRUX as a TemplateVM in Qubes.
This is a fully-featured TemplateVM/StandaloneVM installation
including but not limited to:

* dom0 I/O and cross-vm copy-paste
* qvm-* commands
* mounts private drive/swap (xvdb,xvdc)
* working audio
* ships with Firefox

Currently not working:

* automatically handle xvd* size changes


General idea:

1) Download the CRUX ISO, and boot a new Qube from the ISO.
2) Get the internet working on the new qube, then download these helper scripts.
3) Run the helpers scripts to install CRUX to your permanent system (xvda3),
build an operable kernel, and build all Qubes components.
4) Reboot and test operation.
5) Clone Standalone to TemplateVM, create AppVM.

Ensure this Qube has enough memory to compile a kernel (minimum 2048MB).
The initial kernel build relies on 2 vcpus (default for Create new qube).
You can reduce the usage of the AppVM after installation.


Start a StandaloneVM (HVM) 'crux', booting with the CRUX ISO.
Type 'CRUX' to enter the installation environment.

# export IP=10.137.0.x   [get x from Qube Settings:IP]
# export GW=10.137.0.y   [get y from Qube Settings:Gateway]
# export DEV=eth0

# ifconfig $DEV up
# ip route add $GW dev $DEV
# ip route add default via $GW
# ip addr add $IP/32 dev $DEV
# ip link set $DEV up

# echo 'nameserver' >> /etc/resolv.conf

# wget --no-check-certificate https://github.com/hexparrot/qubes-crux/tarball/master
# tar -xf master
# cd hexparrot*/helpers
# ./00_full_install
# reboot

And you're done! It's a working qube, perfect for DispVMs or main use
by installing additional software using CRUX' ports system. See prt-get.

To turn this StandaloneVM to a Template VM, in dom0:

$ qvm-clone --class TemplateVM crux crux_template

For using PV/PVH mode, in dom0:

$ cd /var/lib/qubes/vm-kernels
$ qvm-run -p crux 'cat /usr/ports/qubes-crux/helpers/kernel.tar.gz' | tar xzf -


Be sure to read and review the scripts you are executing!

00_full_install is a convenience script that runs every other script
in the helpers/ directory: everything from automating the partitioning of xvda
to copying over system packages, to git-cloning & compiling qubes components.

CRUX requires a custom-built kernel by design at installation-time. 
A minimal kernel config has been provided here under my authorship.
It includes everything necessary for audio and video playback in Firefox,
but there are likely a large number of otherwise useful modules that haven't
made the cut.

You can easily customize the kernel after the installation is complete,
or you can do so before the first reboot. Instead of 00_full_install:

# cd hexparrot*/helpers
# ./10_prepare_disk
# ./20_install_packages
# ./30_qubes_config
# ./manual_kernel_build
# exit  #[exit the chroot]
# ./50_qubes_build
# reboot

If for any reason you want direct access to the chroot, CRUX' ISO provides
a shortcut that'll handle mounting of the host /dev for you:

# setup-chroot


xvda resizing does not occur due to no /dev/mapper/dmroot in use


CRUX uses the ports system, which is a source-based package manager.
You can see all the qubes-related ports in this repo and all the commands
used to easily reproduce packages for installation. See the CRUX handbook
for more details.

This package will soon be versioned for Qubes 4 and modified to work with
the upcoming Qubes4.1 (which will require new ports altogether).

If anybody has any expertise in the qubes-builder system, your help would
be absolutely invaluable.

To help or if you have any other questions, don't hesitate to email me:
wdchromium at gmail dot com