
Suggestion: Chromium browser (Replace Firefox?)

Closed this issue · 1 comments

It would be generally practical to have both Firefox and Chromium available out of the box for all new installations, or perhaps consider Chromium instead of Firefox as the default shipping browser?

(Both Google Chrome, Brave browser, Opera browser and Vivaldi browser are all based on Chromium, with which the same browser extensions can be used across all these browsers for efficiency. All of these browsers now support multiple profiles per browser, and this now makes for a great boost in efficiency and security.)

Ah, and while I am at it:
How about adding the PPA's for these mentioned browsers so that they all are only one "package install command" away?

CRUX by default ships with Firefox, which is the primary reason Firefox is the browser of choice for CRUX in Qubes. More specifically, Firefox ships with a binary package, which means you also don't have to wait for it to compile--it's there and it's supervised by official curators of the packages.

That said, the steps to get it running take mere minutes, and I'm wary to introduce user-curated packages--especially considering Qubes general philosophy. Users can and should make their own choice for this installation of opinionated software, and where I can, I'm sure I'd be happy to assist.

Here are the steps, by the way, for installing chrome:

prt-get install cups -if
prt-get install nspr
prt-get install nss

cd /usr/ports/contrib
httpup sync https://raw.githubusercontent.com/timcowchip/timcowchip/master/#google-chrome google-chrome
cd google-chrome
pkgmk -d -i -if -im -is

Note the httpup: it creates another ports directory, which is like a PPA and works with prt-get, which is the 'one command install' equivalent of, say, apt-get install or dnf install.

Therefore, the shortcut steps might instead be:

sed -i '/prtdir.*contrib/s/^#//g' /etc/prt-get.conf
httpup sync https://raw.githubusercontent.com/timcowchip/timcowchip/master/#google-chrome /usr/ports/contrib/google-chrome
prt-get depinst google-chrome -if -is -im

sed: enables the user-contributed ports to be used with prt-get
httpup: downloads the actual build manifest that describes how prt-get will install chrome.
prt-get depinst: installs dependencies and installs chrome.

The user can then go to the Qube's application list and add 'Google Chrome' so it is appropriately launched by user.