- 0
No Emoji Support (Computer Name)
#1053 opened by LeonNikolai - 5
- 0
Crash on 'mix deps.get' when a dependency has a published version with a '+' (plus sign)
#1052 opened by corben2 - 1
- 0
add using with gleam card
#1049 opened by dkuku - 0
Private hex registry error on Hex > 2.1.0
#1048 opened by VanHelmont - 6
Proposal: Allow redirects to repos
#1028 opened by christhekeele - 2
Fail to load function 'Elixir.Hex.Netrc.Cache':fetch/1 with Elixir 1.17.0 and OTP 27
#1046 opened by oliviasculley - 4
- 2
cacerts_path may not be enough
#1045 opened by lovett - 0
If you enable 2FA it should be enabled on the CLI as well but probably only for authentication a new user (when we generate API keys) and when publishing. There should also be an option when generating API keys that do not require 2FA so that you can still publish etc. in automated environments such as CI.
#1040 opened by Waazer - 2
fetching not-selectable dependencies times out
#1039 opened by NobbZ - 4
Crash during Mix.install([:jason])
#996 opened by lukaszsamson - 23
Regression in 2.1.0?
#1029 opened by jschniper - 1
Reject unknown keys when calling deps.get
#1024 opened by srcrip - 4
`hex.publish` does not respect the docs output folder
#1025 opened by pnezis - 4
Error installing Hex
#1023 opened by ZacBridge - 16
Issues fetching deps
#1019 opened by AndrewDryga - 6
- 1
- 4
[feature request] Sort `mix hex.outdated` output by status in default output
#1005 opened by kianmeng - 4
Publish New Release for Updated CA-Bundle
#1016 opened by DerTim1 - 5
Installing github dependencies broken on main
#997 opened by lukaszsamson - 1
- 2
Error: Lock is missing
#1010 opened by fuelen - 1
- 0
Fail to load function 'Elixir.Hex.Netrc.Cache':fetch/1: op make_fun2 u: on Erlang/OTP 27 rc.1
#1014 opened by zacky1972 - 2
- 0
Bundled CA certs are not working now
#1012 opened by EdmondFrank - 1
rebar3_auto - the package in HEX contains module which does not exist in the rebar3_auto repository
#1006 opened by brigadier - 2
Full remove a package from
#1004 opened by epinault - 3
Retire a package completely?
#1003 opened by halostatue - 3
- 1
- 10
- 2
mix hex.outdated --ignore <lib>
#985 opened by rafaelsevla - 5
How to generate a fingerprint for public_key?
#986 opened by mplatts - 1
Suggesstion: Show readme file content on package page
#987 opened by bluzky - 1
- 2
Hex.Solver.Constraint included in mix releases
#983 opened by fhunleth - 2
issue with newly released hex: Could not start Hex.
#981 opened by sescobb27 - 5
(FunctionClauseError) no function clause matching in Mix.Local.Installer.parse_args/2
#979 opened by barracuda156 - 2
- 1
Crash in Hex.Mix.to_lock
#971 opened by lukaszsamson - 2
Building with 2.0.2 fails due to missing
#976 opened by mikebveil - 3
Unknown package version in lockfile
#973 opened by nathany-copia - 1
ETA for `2.0.1` release?
#968 opened by jeffwidman - 1
``: `--repo` is an unknown option
#970 opened by NobbZ - 2
Stuck in `Your selection:`
#969 opened by hissssst - 2