
Make logging into a server a delightful experience. A replacement for the default Linux MOTD.

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

Delightful Message Of The Day (DMOTD)

DMOTD is a simple Bash script designed to enhance the appearance of your Message of the Day (MOTD). It provides a visually appealing replacement for the default MOTD.


Optional Dependencies

  1. lolcat: Colors the output

    • Versions confirmed to be compatible are v1.3 and v1.4.
    • Ubuntu: sudo snap install lolcat - Don't install from the APT repository as it often contains an outdated version of lolcat that might be incompatible with this script.
    • Arch: sudo pacman -S lolcat
  2. figlet: ASCII fonts

    • The only version confirmed to be compatible is v2.2.5.
    • Ubuntu: sudo apt install figlet
    • Arch: sudo pacman -S figlet


As straightforward as cloning the dmotd script from this repository.

Example installation using Wget

# All users
# Downloads the script from GitHub into `/usr/local/bin/dmotd` and then gives the execute permission
wget -O /usr/local/bin/dmotd "https://github.com/hexrw/dmotd/blob/main/dmotd?raw=true" && sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/dmotd
# Current user only (make sure `~/.local/bin` is in PATH)
# Downloads the script from GitHub into `~/.local/bin/dmotd` and then gives the execute permission
wget -O ~/.local/bin/dmotd "https://github.com/hexrw/dmotd/blob/main/dmotd?raw=true" && sudo chmod +x ~/.local/bin/dmotd


Valid arguments are -h or --help and -v or --version

Example Usage

Disable the default MOTD

# Works for most distributions
# You can also try to disable it by editing /etc/motd
touch ~/.hushlogin
sudo chmod -x /etc/update-motd.d/*

Run dmotd on login




# For SSH only
if [[ -n $SSH_CONNECTION ]] ; then

to ~/.bashrc (if you use BASH as your default shell)


Example Output