IzPack Readme ============= IzPack is a one-stop solution for packaging, distributing and deploying applications. It is fully cross-platform and generates a single installer. As such, it is an alternative to native solutions such as platform-specific installers and package managers. IzPack-generated installers only require a Java virtual machine to run. It is however capable of providing integration with the host operating systems (e.g., creating desktop shortcuts or editing the Windows registry). Licensing ========= IzPack is published under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0, meaning that you can adapt it to your needs with very minimal constraints. Some third-party components (e.g., look and feel libraries) may be released under different terms. Community ========= IzPack is part of the Codehaus <http://codehaus.org/> * Web site: <http://izpack.org/> * Codehaus space: <http://xircles.codehaus.org/projects/izpack/> * Mailing-lists: <http://xircles.codehaus.org/projects/izpack/lists> * Confluence wiki: <http://docs.codehaus.org/display/IZPACK> * News feed: <http://feeds.feedburner.com/IzPack> * Subversion repository: <http://svn.codehaus.org/izpack/> * Git repository (synchronized from svn): <http://github.com/jponge/izpack/tree/master> * FishEye SVN browser: <http://svn.izpack.codehaus.org/> * JIRA issues tracker: <http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/IZPACK>