hello, this is my 2D gravity and space simulator. written in python and pyray
clone the code
git clone https://github.com/9EED/2D-gravity/
install dependencies
pip install pyray
run the code
python3 2D-gravity.py
[tab] switch modes settings, drawing, deleting, orbits and statistics
[up][down] select a setting
[left][right] change the selected setting
[mouse left]+[drag] pan around
[mouse scroll] zoom in and out
[space] pause and unpause
here you can change the basic simulation rules
- walls: turn on and off the worlds boundries
- walls x, walls y: change the width and height of the boundries
- merge: turn on and off the planets merging on collision to form a new one
- bounce: turn on and off wether planets bounce or stick on collision
- gravity: change the effect of gravity between bodies
here you can make new planets and change their settings
- size: how big the body is
- density: how much mass the drawn body has, changes how much it attracts other bodies
- static: static planets do not move, but attract others
- random: randomizes the new planet
in this section you can delete unwanted bodies
- delete: click to delete one by one
- delete all: delets all bodies upon click
general information about the simulation world
- planets: how many are there in the world
- velocity: sum velocity of all bodies
- mass: sum mass of all bodies
#orbiter a tool to make planets orbit each other(still a work in progress)
- select orbited
- select orbiter
- make orbit
change the camera settings
- follow: allows you to select a planet and follow it
- release: releases the camera controlls