
COMP3297 final project

Primary LanguagePython


BackTrack is a web-based collaboration tool for Scrum teams. The short-term goals for BackTrack are ease the creation, management and tracking of project backlogs - both Product Backlog and Sprint Backlog. Further enhancements will provide management tools for analysis and visualization of project metrics such as velocity and burndown.

Develop Environment

The develop environment of this project can be installed by executing the bootstrap.sh and install.sh in /scripts. That is, run the following command in bash mode.

./scripts/bootstrap.sh # To bootstrap
./scripts/install.sh # To install

Other Useful Scripts

Some useful scripts are built-in for different purposes.

./scripts/dbflush.sh # To clean up the existing databash
./scripts/dbmigrate # To set up the databash based on the existing models
./scripts/dbsuperuser.sh # To create a superuser for django admin site
./scripts/run.sh # To run server
./scripts/prepush.sh # Before pushing to github repo

Structure of the Project

Although we use Django for developing BackTrack, we still try to separate the entire project into Backend and Frontend to maintain the OO principle.

  • Backend

    The backend developers first mainly focus on the implementation of models.py for establishing our database model. Then they also to implement some necessary query function in /dao directory for providing an interface to communicate with the data in database.
  • Frontend

    The frontend developers first implement some necessary view functions in XXXViews.py under /wolfpack directory for transferring the required contents to the templates. Then they also need to implement the .html under /wolfpack/templates for performing the UI of BackTrack.


  1. Install the develop environment by the steps in Develop Environment if needed.
  2. Establish the database by
    ./scripts/dbmirgate.sh # in bash
    python manage.py makemigrations wolfpack
    python manage.py migrate wolfpack
    python manage.py migrate --run-syncdb # in python
  3. Create a superuser by
    ./scripts/dbsuperuser.sh # in bash
    python manage.py createsuperuser # in python
  4. Run the server by
     ./scripts/run.sh # in bash
    python manage.py runserver # in python
  5. Login to localhost:8000/admin (usually with the newly created super user account and create some user records for the customer user classes(Developer, Scrum master, Product owner).
  6. Go to the homepage localhost:8000 (usually and login to BackTrack with the newly created user record.
  7. You are now in BackTrack and enjoy your trip.


  • Lack of User Registration
  • Lack of Analysis Tool such as burndown chart