The Filesystem store for the node-cache-manager module.
npm install cache-manager-fs --save
Here are examples that demonstrate how to implement the Filesystem cache store.
- limit maximum size on disk
- refill cache on startup (in case of application restart)
// node cachemanager
var cacheManager = require('cache-manager');
// storage for the cachemanager
var fsStore = require('cache-manager-fs');
// initialize caching on disk
var diskCache = cacheManager.caching({store: fsStore, options: {ttl: 60*60 /* seconds */, maxsize: 1000*1000*1000 /* max size in bytes on disk */, path:'diskcache', preventfill:true}});
options for store initialization
options.ttl = 60; // time to life in seconds
options.path = 'cache/'; // path for cached files
options.preventfill = false; // prevent filling of the cache with the files from the cache-directory
options.fillcallback = null; // callback fired after the initial cache filling is completed = false; // if true the cached files will be zipped to save diskspace
options.reviveBuffers = true; // if true buffers are returned from cache as buffers, not objects
npm install cache-manager-fs
To run tests:
npm test
To run Coverage:
npm run coverage
cache-manager-fs is licensed under the MIT license.