A powerful, easy-to-use personal ChatGPT application built using LangChain and OpenAI, with a sleek interface created in Streamlit. Hosted on Hugging Face Spaces, this app provides conversational AI capabilities tailored to your preferences.
📋 Project Overview
This project enables you to interact with a personalized ChatGPT model. By leveraging LangChain's flexibility and the OpenAI API, the app is configured for efficient, conversational use cases. The integration with Streamlit allows for a user-friendly web interface, while Hugging Face Spaces hosting ensures accessibility and easy deployment.
🌟 Key Features
Conversational AI: Built on top of LangChain and OpenAI's API for engaging, intelligent conversations.
Streamlit Interface: Simple, interactive front end powered by Streamlit for seamless user experience.
Customizable Configuration: Adjust configurations to tailor the model’s responses to specific domains or personalities.
Hosted on Hugging Face Spaces: Convenient hosting with Hugging Face for easy access and deployment.