
Gulp plugin for converting CSS files to React Native StyleSheets.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Gulp plugin for converting CSS files to React Native StyleSheets.


npm install gulp-react-native-stylesheet-css --save-dev

You can use it with react-native-extended-stylesheet

Basic usage

var gulp = require('gulp'),
    sass = require('gulp-sass'),
    reactNativeStylesheetCss = require('gulp-react-native-stylesheet-css');

gulp.task('styles', function() {

SASS or any other CSS preprocessor is not required. Plain .CSS files may be used.

Example output

Example using SASS as a preprocessor:


#header {
    margin-bottom: 20;
    box-shadow: 0 2px 4px rgba(52, 21, 23, 0.32);

    .btn {
        padding: 3 8;
        text-align: center;
        transform: scale(0.8) translateY(4px) rotate3d(20deg, 5deg, 10deg);


var React = require('react-native');
var { StyleSheet } = React;
module.exports = StyleSheet.create({
    "header": {
        "marginBottom": 20,
        "shadowColor": "rgb(52,21,23)",
        "shadowOffset": {
            "width": 0,
            "height": 2
        "shadowOpacity": 0.32,
        "shadowRadius": 4
    "header btn": {
        "paddingTop": 3,
        "paddingBottom": 3,
        "paddingRight": 8,
        "paddingLeft": 8,
        "textAlign": "center"
        "transform": [
            { "scale": 0.8 },
            { "translateY": 4 },
            { "rotateX": "20deg" },
            { "rotateY": "5deg" },
            { "rotateZ": "10deg" }

Properties supported

Any property found in your CSS will be camelCased. By default, this plugin will always output values as JavaScript Number or Boolean objects when appropriate. Values with units attached, including "em" and "px," will be output without their unit suffixes.

Special-case properties

The following properties output different keys to satisfy React Native's requirements. Unless otherwise noted, the values for each correspond with CSS3.

Property Example Values Notes
margin 2px
2px 4px
3px 1px 5px
1px 3px 2px 6px
padding 2px
2px 4px
3px 1px 5px
1px 3px 2px 6px
box-shadow none
0 2px 4px rgba(52, 21, 23, 0.32)
Inset shadows and spread values are not supported.
flex 1
1 30px
1 2 10%
Only the first value will be output and the rest will be ignored, as React Native does not support flex-basis or flex-shrink.
transform perspective(90)
rotate3d(5deg, 10deg, 15deg)
scale2d(1.5, 0.5) or scale3d(1.5, 0.5)
translate2d(5px, 10px) or translate3d(5px, 10px)
You may chain multiple transformations together with a space delimiter, like in CSS3 (see example above).


Additional options can be passed to the plugin to customize its output. For example:

    .pipe(reactNativeStylesheetCss({ outputPlainObject: true }))
    .pipe(reactNativeStylesheetCss({ withExtendedStyleSheet: true }))

Supported options:

Option Values Default Notes
outputPlainObject Boolean false If true, the final output will be only an object of style rules, without requiring React or building a React StyleSheet object.
withExtendedStyleSheet Boolean false Support for react-native-extended-stylesheet


Licensed under MIT. Based off of the works of gulp-react-native-css and react-native-css.