
Render React Suspense on server

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Render React Suspense on server

React v16.6.0 introduced Suspense for lazy-loading components, but it doesn't work yet on the server-side.

This package enables server-side rendering.

It provides async versions of .renderToString() and .renderToStaticMarkup() methods. The async methods support Suspense and allow async loading of components or data.



npm install react-async-ssr

Also requires React >= 16.6.0.

Moving to async server-side rendering


const ReactDOMServer = require('react-dom/server');

function render() {
  const html = ReactDOMServer.renderToString(<App />);
  return html;


const ReactDOMServer = require('react-async-ssr');

async function render() {
  const html = await ReactDOMServer.renderToStringAsync(<App />);
  return html;

Application code

function App() {
  return (
      <Suspense fallback={<Spinner />}>
        <LazyComponent />
        <LazyComponent />
        <LazyData />

<Suspense> behaves exactly the same on the server as it does on the client.

.renderToStringAsync() will render the app in the usual way, except any lazy elements will be awaited and rendered before the returned promise resolves.

Lazy components

So I can just use React.lazy(), right?

No! React.lazy() doesn't make sense to use on the server side. It doesn't have any ability to track the modules that have been lazy-loaded, so there's no way to then reload them on the client side, so that .hydrate() has all the code it needs.

@loadable/component provides a .lazy() method which is equivalent to React.lazy() but suitable for server-side rendering. This guide explains how to use it for server-side rendering.

Lazy data

.renderToStringAsync() supports any component which fits within React's convention for suspendable components.

In its render() method, the component should throw a Promise which will resolve when the data is loaded. When the promise resolves, the renderer will re-render the component and add it into the markup.

Basic example

let data = null, promise;
function LazyData() {
  if (data) return <div>{data.foo}</div>;

  if (!promise) {
    promise = new Promise(resolve => {
      setTimeout(() => {
        data = {foo: 'bar'};
      }, 1000);

  throw promise;

function App() {
  return (
      <Suspense fallback={<div>Loading...</div>}>
        <LazyData />

const html = await ReactDOMServer.renderToStringAsync(<App />);

// html === '<div>bar</div>'

react-cache example

An example using the experimental package react-cache:

const {createResource} = require('react-cache');

const PokemonResource = createResource(
  id =>
      .then(res => res.json())

function Pokemon(props) {
  const data = PokemonResource.read(props.id);
  return <div>My name is {data.name}.</div>;

function App() {
  return (
      <Suspense fallback={<div>Loading...</div>}>
        <Pokemon id={1} />
        <Pokemon id={2} />
        <Pokemon id={3} />

const html = await ReactDOMServer.renderToStringAsync(<App />);

// html === `
//   <div>
//     <div>My name is bulbasaur.</div>
//     <div>My name is ivysaur.</div>
//     <div>My name is venusaur.</div>
//   </div>
// `

The above example makes 3 async fetch requests, which are made in parallel. They are awaited, and the HTML markup rendered only once all the data is ready.

Hydrating the render on client side

The classic model for SSR is:

  • Server-side: Load all data required for page asynchronously
  • Server-side: Pass data into React app and render synchronously
  • Send to client: Rendered HTML + data as JSON
  • Client-side: Browser renders static HTML initially
  • Client-side: Once all components and data required are loaded, "hydrate" the page using ReactDOM.hydrate()

With async SSR, the server-side process is different:

  • Server-side: Asynchronously render React app
  • Server-side: Data loaded asynchronously during render
  • (remaining steps same as above)

The advantages of this change are:

  • Components define their own data needs
  • No need for data dependencies to be "hoisted" to the page's root component
  • Therefore, components are less tightly coupled (the React way!)

In the example above, the <Pokemon> component is completely independent. You can drop it in to any app, anywhere in the component tree, and it'll be able to load the data it needs, without any complex "wiring up".

However, some mechanism is required to gather the data loaded on the server in order to send it to the client for hydration.

There are many solutions, for example using a Redux store, or a Context Provider at the root of the app. This package does not make any assumptions about how the user wants to handle this, and no doubt solutions will emerge from the community. All that this package requires is that components follow React's convention that components wishing to do async loading throw promises.

Complicated cases

.renderToStringAsync() supports:

  • Async components which themselves load more async components/data
  • Suspense fallbacks which load async components/data

Tracking components being used

If promises thrown have an [ON_MOUNT]() method, they are called.

[ON_MOUNT] is a symbol which can be imported from react-async-ssr/symbols.

const {ON_MOUNT} = require('react-async-ssr/symbols');

[ON_MOUNT]() is called in the order components will be rendered on the client during hydration. This may not be the same order as the components are rendered on the server, if lazy components are nested within each other. In some cases, a component may render on the server, but not at all on the client during hydration, due to a Suspense fallback being triggered (see below).

[ON_MOUNT]() is called with true if the element will be rendered on client, or false if it will not. false happens if the promise was thrown by a component which ends up being inside a Suspense boundary whose fallback is triggered, so the component is not rendered.

Only components whose promise's [ON_MOUNT]() method has been called with true should have their imported file/data provided to client so they can be rehydrated synchronously. Those called with false should be allowed to load file/data asynchronously.

This is to prevent unnecessary files/data being loaded on the client prior to hydration, when they won't actually be used in hydration. Doing that would increase the time user has to wait before hydration.

Preventing server-side rendering of components

Sometimes you might want to prevent a component rendering on server side. For example, it might be a low-priority part of the page, "below the fold", or a heavy component which will take a long time to load on client side and increase the delay before hydration.

This module provides a mechanism for that.

The component should throw a promise which has [NO_SSR] property set to true.

[NO_SSR] is a symbol which can be imported from react-async-ssr/symbols.

If the promise has this property, the component will not be rendered and the enclosing Suspense boundary's fallback will be triggered.

const {NO_SSR} = require('react-async-ssr/symbols');

function LazyNoSSR() {
  const promise = new Promise(() => {});
  promise[NO_SSR] = true;
  throw promise;

function App() {
  return (
    <React.Suspense fallback={<div>Loading...</div>}>

When rendered on server, this will output <div>Loading...</div>. The content can then be loaded client side after hydration.

On client side, to ensure hydration completes correctly, the component must throw a promise which then resolves to the required component/data, and not render the content synchronously.

Warning: Hydration errors

If you leave some content to be rendered on client, ReactDOM.hydrate() will log warnings to console.error "Text content did not match". The cause is that React does not officially support using Suspense on server side, and so does not expect to encounter Suspense in hydrate.

However, aside from the console output, it's not a problem. The page will hydrate and then load correctly. This case is covered by this module's tests, and it does work.

There is no console output in production mode, only development, so your users should not see anything. It's just annoying in development.

Optimization: Bail out of rendering when suspended

When a [NO_SSR] promise is thrown, default behavior is to continue rendering the rest of the Suspense boundary.

However, this content will not be output as the Suspense fallback will be rendered and output instead.

As an optimization, you can cause the render to bail out of rendering all further content within the Suspense as soon as the fallback is triggered, by providing a fallbackFast option to .renderToStringAsync().

function App() {
  return (
    <React.Suspense fallback={<div>Loading...</div>}>
      <LazyNoSSR/> <!-- throws `[NO_SSR]` promise -->
      <LazySSR/> <!-- will not be rendered -->

const html = await ReactDOMServer.renderToStringAsync(
  <App />,
  {fallbackFast: true}

Optimization: Aborting unnecessary loading

It's possible for a lazy component to begin loading, but then its result not to be required, because an enclosing Suspense boundary's fallback gets triggered. If so the result will not be displayed.

In these cases, if the promise has an [ABORT] method, it will be called.

[ABORT] is a symbol which can be imported from react-async-ssr/symbols.

const {ABORT} = require('react-async-ssr/symbols');

function AbortableLazy() {
  const promise = new Promise(
    resolve => /* do some stuff */

  promise[ABORT] = () => {
    /* this will be called if result of promise will not be rendered */

  throw promise;

Additional notes

Stream rendering

Stream rendering (.renderToNodeStream()) is not yet supported by this package.

No double-rendering

Many other solutions achieve some form of server-side rendering by "double-rendering" the app.

In the first render pass, all the promises for async-loaded data are collected. Once all the promises resolve, a 2nd render pass produces the actual HTML markup which is sent to the client. Obviously, it's resource-intensive to render twice. And if async components themselves make further async requests, 3rd or 4th or more render passes can be required.

The .renderToStringAsync() method provided by this package renders in a single pass. The render is interrupted when awaiting an async resource and resumed once it has loaded.


Use npm test to run the tests. Use npm run cover to check coverage.


See changelog.md


If you discover a bug, please raise an issue on Github. https://github.com/overlookmotel/react-async-ssr/issues


Pull requests are very welcome. Please:

  • ensure all tests pass before submitting PR
  • add tests for new features
  • document new functionality/API additions in README
  • do not add an entry to Changelog (Changelog is created when cutting releases)