Laravel - Domain Driven Design Starter

A fresh Laravel 8 app structured for Domain Driven Design including branches with Fortify and Sanctum configured for authentication.

Install Locally

Step 1: Clone this repository

git clone

Step 2: Change directory into application

cd laravel-ddd

Step 3: Install dependencies

composer install

Step 4: Copy env.example to .env and setup environment

Example database connection:


Step 5: Generate unique app key

php artisan key:generate

Step 6: Migrate and seed database with a user

php artisan migrate --seed

This users' credentials will be: email:, password: password

Step 7: Serve application

Using Artisan CLI, run:

php artisan serve

Then visit:

Using Valet, run:

valet link laravel-ddd

Then visit: http://laravel-ddd.test

Get started

[WIP] - API usage instructions coming soon.

Token Authentication

The Token Authentication allows you to issue API tokens / personal access tokens that may be used to authenticate API requests to your application. When making requests using API tokens, the token should be included in the Authorization header as a Bearer token. Read More

After you install, migrate and seed your database, open Tinker and generate a personal access token:

php artisan tinker
$user = DDD\Domain\Users\User::find(1);

Use the plainTextToken returned in request header:

Header Key: Authorization

SPA Authentication

The SPA Authentication method does not use tokens, instead Sanctum uses cookie based session authentication. This approach to authentication provides the benefits of CSRF protection, session authentication, as well as protects against leakage of the authentication credentials via XSS. In order to authenticate, your SPA and API must share the same top-level domain. Read More

Verb Path Method
GET /sanctum/csrf-cookie Get csrf cookie
GET /login Recieve auth token by providing email and password

API Endpoints

[WIP] - API endpoints.