We created a new GNN (HGNN, combined four modules including edge attention, GAT, MPNN and Weave-GNN), and trained the predictors BitterGNN can distinguish bitter/non-bitter and bitter/sweet taste of molecule.
pip install requirements.txt
docker build -t my_image .
docker run -it my_image /bin/bash
python predictor.py -h
python predictor.py -t 0 -m 0 -i test.csv -o result.csv
you can run compare_gnn.ipynb one by one to compare the performance of HGNN with other mainstream GNNs.
you can run compare_taste_predictors.ipynb one by one to compare the performance of BitterGNN predicotrs with other mainstream bitter predicotrs.
Supported by Graduate Innovation Fund of Jilin University (Project's number: 2022208)