MINTvernetzt Hackathon 2022

A weekend long hackathon hosted for and by MINTvernetzt with the topic of mapping and matching

Hackathon group #3

  • Team members: Ashley, Maykal, Oliveira

  • Goals:

    • Map users interests/needs with other members in the community based on similar criteria.
    • Somehow inspire more girls to be interested in STEM education
  • Approach:

    • Minimal change, avoid re-branding and new design (visuals)
    • Focus on features that can be added and scaled in the next 5 years
  • Solution:

  • Display matched results directly on a dashboard, once logged in.

    • The whole prototype should be inserted and replace filters in the current community page.
    • Cards can be flipped to create more 'human' interaction
  • Create an algorithm to match by percentage

    • Using n-gram ( ← *currently using a different package but will like more time to switch to this package)
    • User's can directly edit their fields without going to their profile edit page
  • News board to increase girl in STEM awareness

    • possible to apply other topics of interests depending on seasons/holidays/events, ie Pride Month, Black History Month)

How To Use

To clone and run this application, you'll need Git. From your command line:

# Clone this repository
$ git clone

# Install dependencies
$ npm install

# Run the app
$ npm start

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