Ramen Rater

Today you'll be building an app for rating ramen. You will be using a local API and building out the frontend for our app.


Use this gif as an example of how the app should work.



  • Run json-server --watch db.json to get the backend started
  • Open the index.html file on your browser
  • Write your code in the index.js file


Your base URL for your API will be: http://localhost:3000

The endpoints you will need are:

  • GET /ramens
  • GET /ramens/:id
  • PATCH /ramens/:id

Core Deliverables

As a user, I can:

  • See all ramen images in the div with the id of ramen-menu. When the page loads, request the data from the server to get all the ramen objects. Then, display the image for each of the ramen using an an img tag inside the #ramen-menu div.
  • Click on an image from the #ramen-menu div and see all the info about that ramen displayed inside the #ramen-detail div, as well as the current rating and comment for the ramen displayed in the #ramen-rating form.
  • Update the rating and comment for a ramen. When the #ramen-rating form is submitted, it should update the value on the server. Changes should also be reflected on the frontend (you can test this by submitting the form; clicking a different ramen image; then clicking the image for the ramen you updated - you should see the rating and comment that you submitted previously).

Advanced Deliverables

You'll need a these endpoints for the advanced deliverables:

  • POST /ramens
  • DELETE /ramens/:id

These deliverables are not required to pass the code challenge, but if you have the extra time, or even after the code challenge, they are a great way to stretch your skills.

Note: If you are going to attempt these advanced deliverables, please be sure to have a working commit with all the Core Deliverables first!

As a user, I can:

  • See the details for the first ramen as soon as the page loads (without clicking on an image)
  • Create a new ramen. You can add this form to the index.html file to get started:
<form id="new-ramen">
  <h4>Add New Ramen</h4>
  <label for="name">Name: </label>
  <input type="text" name="name" id="new-name" />
  <label for="restaurant">Restaurant: </label>
  <input type="text" name="restaurant" id="new-restaurant" />
  <label for="image">Image: </label>
  <input type="text" name="image" id="new-image" />
  <label for="rating">Rating: </label>
  <input type="number" name="rating" id="new-rating" />
  <label for="new-comment">Comment: </label>
  <textarea name="new-comment" id="new-comment">Insert Comment Here</textarea>
  <input type="submit" value="Create" />
  • Delete a ramen (you can add a "delete" button if you'd like, or use an existing element to handle the delete action). The ramen should be removed from the ramen-menu div, and should not be displayed in the ramen-detail div.


You can find the rubric for this assessment here.