
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Welcome to BusMapper


  • Map of busses in Vancouver area
  • Busses should update when map is moved
  • Map should be live and use TransLink api


Requires NodeJS v8.2.0 or above


cd client
npm install
npm start

Client will start on localhost:3000


Backend is required to serve as a proxy for the TransLink api due to CORS.

cd service
npm install
npm start

Service will start on localhost:5000


Frontend can be built by running npm run build then serve index.html on your favourite http server. Backend is a simple express app and can also be hosted on your favourite web server.

Resources used

  • React from React create-an-app
  • Redux
  • Redux saga - library for handling async actions
  • superagent/axios
  • React-mapbox-gl
  • Express
  • Node
  • Font awesome
  • Translink