
42 PROJECT - The purpose of this project is to code a program that solves simple equations. The program takes a polynomial equation up to degree 2. The program should display its solution(s).

Primary LanguagePython


The goal of this project is to create a polynomial equation solver. The program takes a polynomial equation up to degree 2.

How to

Run the project:
python computor.py [equation]
e.g. python computor.py "5 * X^0 + 4 * X^1 - 9.3 * X^2 = 1 * X^0"
The program should print
- The reduced form of the equation - Its degree
- Its solution(s) (real and complex) and the polarity of the discriminant if it makes sense.


  • Freeform : python computor.py "5 + 4x - 9.3x^2 = 1"
  • Spaces are not necessary
  • Error management. If input is not as expected specific error is yielded. Caps insensitive
  • Handling of complex solutions
  • Verbose flag for the details of equation solver -v
  • Plotting of function if possible (not if complex solution) -p