
Express + Docker app

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Portable nodejs app using docker

  • Build the image using docker build -t node-app .

  • View image using docker images

  • Run the image docker run -p 3030:8080 -d node-app

  • View running images and container ids docker ps

  • To go inside the container docker exec -it <container id> /bin/bash

  • To stop the container docker stop <container id>

  • To remove images docker rmi <image id>

  • To remove containers docker rm <container id>

  • To list stopped containers docker ps -aq -f status=exited

  • Mount volume docker run -p 3030:8080 -v /directory/to/mount:/usr/src/app/output -d node-app

  • List the networks docker network ls

  • Inspect a network docker network inspect <network name>

  • View the ip address of a container ( to be run inside the contaier) ip addr show

  • Ping command ( to be run inside the network) ping -c 2 <ip addr/name of other container>

  • Create new custom network docker create network --driver bridge custom-network

  • To start a container on custom network docker run --network custom-network -d <image-name> or docker run --name container1 --network custom-network -d <image name>

  • To connect a running container to other network docker network connect <network name> <container name/id>