Python image to a video project

For this project, I am going to use proper core Python including the two most popular image libraries of python. First Open CV Second pillow

There is also other most popular Python libraries like as:

  1. Scikit-image
  2. Sci-Pi
  3. MatPlotLib
  4. Mahotas | Mahotas GitHub
  5. SimpleTK

I am going to discuss all of these libraries in future upcoming projects or tutorials but for now, I am going to use the first two libraries mentions first.

This is a very normal and very easy project using only core Python with a few lines of codes with two folders. For this project, we need one folder where we have our images Other folder used for storing converted video

This project is just for the beginning to understand Python library very well before I am discussed about NumPy library in which I also covered lots of libraries like as matplotlib and other mentioned libraries covered on that NumPy project.

If you are interested in number so you can visit my YouTube channel by the name of heysushil and find out the playlist of NumPy library.

Also, you are most welcome to you contribute and this project.

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  1. Full Python Course Video on Hey Sushil
  2. Numpy Array Video on Hey Sushil
  3. Django Online Training on Hey Sushil
  4. Python Project Video Playlist on Hey Sushil
  5. Tips and Trics for Programming Video Playlist on Hey Sushil
  6. Python Online Class on Hey Sushil
  7. PHP Project with Full Details and Source code on Hey Sushil
  8. GitHub tutorials in Hindi on Hey Sushil
  9. Hey Kya karu main on Hey Sushil

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