Jeriod Web

The readme for the Jeriod Web project There is no inline styling any longer and I have seperated the JS to different files I have also added comments to the JS files

Sign in and account creation process

The html files, signup.html, signin.html and pin.html share the same css and js files css/account.css and js/account.js respectively


The side modal menu is added to each page (all pages apart from signup.html, signin.html and pin.html) via their individual html files and their corresponding css files which is indicated in the later part of this document. The js for the menu controls is housed in the js/menu.js file.

Dashboard / Info pages CSS

The html files dashboard.html, trades.html, profile.html, rates.html, wallethistory.html and notifications.html all share the same css file css/dashboard.css

Dashboard / Info pages JS

dashboard.html - js/dashboard.js

trades.html - js/trades.js

profile.html - js/profile.js

rates.html - js/rates.js

Action pages CSS

The html files tradegiftcards.html, tradebitcoins.html, giftcarddetails.html, authorizeaccount.html, addaccountsuccess.html and addaccount.html all share the same css file css/actionpage.css

Action pages JS

tradegiftcards.html - js/tradegiftcards.js

tradebitcoins.html - js/tradebitcoins.js

The bank account verification related pages use the same js file authorizeaccount.html, addaccountsuccess.html and addaccount.html all use js/bank.js