Kubernetes Ansible

This repository contains ansible for setting up a very basic Kubernetes cluster. By default it creates:

  • 1 Master
  • 2 Nodes

Local setup

  1. Create an ansible configuration file

    vim ~/.ansible.cfg
  2. Add the following

    inventory = $HOME/.ansible/inventory
    vault_password_file = $HOME/.ansible/vault_password
  3. Add the vault password for this project into the ~/.ansible/vault_password file. You will probably get this from the course instructor.

  4. Check whether or not Ansible is installed. The machine you are using may already have Ansible installed. You can check this by running

    ansible --version

    The playbooks in this repository interact with Catalyst Cloud OpenStack. Therefore, if you don't already have Ansible installed, you can try using the install script on the Catalyst Cloud training repository. You find instructions below.

  5. Check out this repository

    git clone https://github.com/heytrav/k8s-ansible.git
    cd k8s-ansible

    Note $K8S_ANSIBLE_HOME will represent the path to the repository you have just cloned. You might want to consider adding this to your .bashrc. For example:

    export K8S_ANSIBLE_HOME=/path/to/k8s-ansible
  6. Import roles needed for ansible

    ansible-galaxy install -f -r requirements.yml
  7. Run the local setup playbook

    ansible-playbook -i hosts -e prefix=$USERNAME local-setup.yml

    This creates an inventory file for your cloud hosts as well as a couple configuration files that will be used by Ansible to access the OpenStack API. Note: USERNAME needs to be something unique in order to avoid name collisions on the same tenant during training situations where there might be multiple people building instances on the same tenant. A username or hostname are usually adequate provided they are unique. If you are using this a lot you might want to consider adding the following to your .bashrc:

    export USERNAME=myuniqueusername

Building a cluster

Assuming all went well you should be able to build your Kubernetes cluster

ansible-playbook -K create-cluster-hosts.yml kubeadm-install.yml  -e prefix=$USERNAME 

This will do the following:

  • Create cluster hosts
  • Install python and docker (17.03) on each of them
  • Install kubernetes libraries
  • Initialise one host as the master
  • Join 2 node hosts to the kubernetes cluster

Tearing down the cluster

When you are done playing around, do not forget to tear down your cluster.

ansible-playbook remove-cluster-hosts.yml -K -e prefix=$USERNAME

Setting up Ansible

Set up a python virtualenv with Ansible. One easy way to do this is to clone the Catalyst Cloud Ansible repository. Once this has downloaded, go into the directory and run:

$ cd
$ git clone https://github.com/catalyst/catalystcloud-ansible.git
$ cd catalystcloud-ansible
$ ./install-ansible.sh

This will require sudo privileges. Once it is complete you should have a functioning python virtualenv with all the dependencies needed to interact with the Catalyst Cloud Openstack API. Make sure to source python virtualenv

source ~/catalystcloud-ansible/ansible-venv/bin/activate

Note: Recent versions of Ansible (>2.5.5) and shade (>1.28.0) have broken some OpenStack API commands. For this reason you might need to do the following:

(ansible-venv) pip install ansible==2.5.5 shade=1.28.0