
Spring boot app that handles employees' project assignments

Primary LanguageJava


Spring boot app that handles employees' project assignments

HR System API

Welcome to the HR System API documentation. This API provides endpoints to manage employees, projects, and their assignments, catering to different user roles.

Table of Contents


Employee Controller

Filter Employees

  • GET /employees/list: Filter employees by partial name, role, and project.

  • GET /employees/{id}: Get employee details by ID.

  • POST /employees: Create a new employee.

  • POST /employees/{id}/evaluate: Evaluate an employee's score.

Assignment Controller


  • POST /assignments/assign/{employeeId}: Assign projects to an employee.

  • POST /assignments/unassign/{employeeId}: Unassign projects from an employee.

Project Controller


  • POST /projects/create: Create a new project.

  • GET /projects/list: Get a list of all projects.

Authorization and Security

Authorization and access control are enforced based on user roles:

  • DEVELOPER: Read-only access to their own profile and assigned projects. No access to other resources.
  • PROJECT-MANAGER: Read/write access to all projects and employees/projects assignments. Read-only access to employees (score and salary hidden).
  • HR: Read/write access to all employees, including score and salary. No access to projects.

Endpoints are exposed according to these roles to ensure appropriate data protection.

Getting Started

Launching the Application

To set up and run the HR System API on a local environment (Linux):

  1. Clone this repository.

  2. Navigate to the project directory.

  3. Install required dependencies. For example, using Maven:

    mvn install
  4. Launch the application:

    mvn spring-boot:run
  5. Access the Swagger UI at http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/index.html to explore and interact with the API.

Executing Tests

Unit tests play a vital role in maintaining the quality of the application. Extensive tests ensure that the API functions reliably. Coverage percentage is expected to be high, as tests are comprehensive and cover various scenarios.

We use mocking frameworks like Mockito to create test doubles for dependencies, enabling isolated testing of components.

To execute tests and calculate coverage (Linux):

  1. Run tests:

    mvn test
  2. Coverage reports can be found in the target/site/jacoco directory.

Dependencies and Java Version

This project utilizes the following:

  • Java 17
  • Spring Boot 3

Dependencies such as Spring Security, Spring Data JPA, and more are managed through the pom.xml file.

Entity Constraint Validation

Entity constraints are validated using the Bean Validation API. Annotations like @NotNull, @Email, @Min, @Max are used to ensure data integrity and validity.